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FAO/ITTO Expert Consultation on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management

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    Forest assessment and monitoring 2002
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    The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) is now completed, but work has already begun on the next global assessment. The expert consultation "Global Forest Resources Assessments - Linking National and International Efforts", known as Kotka IV, brought together international experts in July 2002 to address future concepts and strategies. The articles in this issue of Unasylva are adapted for a wider audience from papers prepared for the meeting. Without going into technical detail, they explore links among assessment and monitoring, national and international information needs, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, and reporting of forest-related information to international instruments. The technical details can be found on the FAO Web site ( and will be published in the Kotka IV proceedings.
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    Waves of hope. Report of the regional coordination workshop on rehabilitation of tsunami-affected forest ecosystems: strategies and new directions 2005
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    In an instant the 26 December 2004 tsunami devastated the lives of millions living in the coastal communities of the affected countries. FAO has taken on the task, together with other international and national organizations, in fielding experts to assess the damage and identify critical needs. In the process it has become evident that many organizations are working without the benefit of exchanging information and lessons learned, collaborating fully or coordinating effectively. To help remedy these gaps, FAO organized the above workshop in Bangkok, Thailand from 7 to 8 March 2005 to enhance rehabilitation efforts in the tsunami-affected areas through better coordination of national, regional and international agencies involved in forest rehabilitation and management of the affected areas. The report includes an outline of the critical issues identified, a common vision and principles that should guide forest related rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts, recommendations for stren gthening coordination efforts in the region and summaries of the technical presentations and discussions.
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    Development of criteria and indicators for sustainable mangrove forest management: Experiences in three mangrove ecosystems in the Philippines
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The Philippines’ coastline measuring about 36,000 km is home to mangroves which play an important role in fisheries, forestry, and wildlife production. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Environment Program defines mangroves as forest that occurs on tidal flats bordering coastal areas and along the mouths of rivers where water is brackish. Through the years, the area of mangrove forests has dwindled due to deforestation and other anthropogenic activities. Thus, the need for their rehabilitation and sustainable management is a very important concern. Recognizing this, the Socio-economic Team of the ASEAN-Korea Environmental Cooperation Project from the Philippines conducted research on the development of a set of Criteria and Indicators (C & I) for sustainable mangrove forest resources management. The C & I for mangroves were adapted from the C & I for Sustainable Forest Resources Management of the Philippines’ Forest Management Bureau. The research involved an assessment of the C & I for their applicability and adaptability to mangrove forests. The C & I covered the following criteria: 1) Enabling conditions for sustainable mangrove forest management, 2) Extent and condition of mangrove forests, 3) Mangrove ecosystem health, 4) Forest production, 5) Biological diversity, 6) Coastal resources protection, and 7) Economic, social, and cultural aspects. These criteria covered 35 indicators. The proposed C & I were field validated through focus group discussion (FGD) with selected members of the people’s organizations in the local communities and key informant interview (KII) with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources personnel. The study was conducted in Padre Burgos, Quezon; Puerto Princesa City, Palawan; and Getafe, Bohol. The results revealed that the FGD and KII respondents perceived the applicability and importance of the C & I in maintaining the sustainability of the mangrove resources in these areas. Keywords: criteria and indicators, mangroves, forest management ID:3485981

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