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Building a crisis timeline

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    Farm machinery and equipment for harvest, post-harvest and storage 2023
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    The course provides an overview of the harvesting and post-harvest handling machinery that can enable small- to medium-scale farmers to harvest and process their crops quickly, while significantly reducing drudgery - and more importantly, losses. Such machinery can also help farmers to store their harvested products to keep them safe, nutritious and optimal for sale and self-consumption.
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    Female leadership and One Health
    Online course
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    Women farmers represent a crucial target group for the implementation of One Health strategies. Their dual role in managing livestock alongside domestic responsibilities like food preparation puts them at high risk for food-and animal-borne diseases, but also positions them as potential catalysts for improving livestock health, household health and family nutrition. Globally, women receive only five percent of agricultural extension services. To realize their potential as agents of change, we need to boost this number. The FAO Virtual Learning Centre online training on Female Leadership and One Health has been designed especially for frontline human health and animal health professionals in West Africa.
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    Examples of anticipatory actions  2023
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    This job aid provides you with some examples of anticipatory actions that can be implemented to mitigate the effects of drought and flood and cyclone, plus a few examples of cross-cutting actions that can be applied to different hazards. It is targeted at professionals working on humanitarian assistance and disaster risk management, including practitioners involved in anticipatory action programming.

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