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An online mentoring service for small-scale livestock farmers in Benin

Good practice series - Digital agriculture

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    A manifesto to ensure a voice for farmers in Uganda
    Good practice series - Advocacy
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    This good practice fact sheet describes an initiative to canvas the views and demands of Uganda’s smallholder farmers on measures required to boost the country’s agricultural performance as a driver of both the national economy and for raising incomes among agricultural value chain players. The creation of a Farmers’ Manifesto, and its presentation to political parties in the run-up to a general election, may be an experience relevant to other developing nations as an advocacy process, where agriculture plays an important role in generating gross domestic product (GDP), but receives insufficient funding and attention for it to achieve its full potential.
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    Small-scale producers in sustainable agrifood systems transformation 2022
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    If the world is to transition towards agrifood systems that are more sustainable and equitable, small-scale production systems will be key to progress. Large parts of the world depend on small-scale systems for maintaining food security and nutrition (Lowder, Sánchez and Bertini, 2021; Herrero et al., 2017). Despite this centrality, neither small-scale production systems nor small-scale producers have received due recognition under predominant agrifood systems paradigms. This paper analyzes the diversity of small-scale producers and demonstrates how understanding small-scale production can have consequences for how policies and investments are directed and how they impact small-scale producer livelihoods. The diverse roles and functions of small-scale production are presented as being essential to realizing sustainable agrifood systems transformations and respecting its social, environmental and economic dimensions. Constraints faced by small-scale producers in accessing the assets, financial and knowledge services and market positioning that can support profitable livelihoods are examined. This publication provides recommendations for expanding the potential of small-scale producers for sustainable agrifood systems transformations across the following areas:
    • create an enabling environment to support the multifunctionality of small-scale production;
    • address the economic and social marginalization of small-scale producers;
    • ensure the political voice and participation of small-scale producers in agrifood systems governance;
    • increase access of small-scale producers to natural and productive resources;
    • improve access to financial services;
    • improve the market positioning of small-scale producers;
    • support the co-creation and exchange of knowledge and innovation for sustainable small-scale production.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Agri-Services - Making rural services work for small-scale producers and poor family farmers 2019
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    There is abundant evidence that when small-scale producers have access to rural services, they see an increase in production and income and, consequently, invest more in their communities. Rural services (advisory, financial, business and market support) can assist rural people in dealing with the diverse challenges that often prevent them from sustaining and improving their livelihoods. Numerous bodies in the public and private sectors, from producer to civil-society organizations, provide such services, but often with limited interaction and coordination. As a result, small-scale producers, especially the more vulnerable, are often left with few or no services at all. This programme aims to improve the access of small-scale producers to rural services, drawing on the comparative advantage of different actors and the complementarity of the services they provide. It will help to increase productivity, add value and facilitate the flow of farm produce to market, with greater profits for farmers and better management of natural resources. It will strengthen rural service provision by: (1) assessing rural service systems, (2) informing and facilitating national dialogue for policy development, (3) supporting institutional and capacity development, and (4) exchanging knowledge and learning between countries and regions.

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