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C 2021/联合国粮农组织总部会议与会人员须知

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    African Network on Fish Technology and Safety 2021 - Book of abstracts, 6–9 December 2021 / Réseau africain sur la technologie et la sécurité sanitaire du poisson 2021 - Recueil de résumés, 6-9 Décembre 2021 2022
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    This publication includes the abstracts of the selected papers presented by experts on the occasion of the African Network on Fish Technology and Safety (ANFTS) 2021. The abstracts are subdivided according to the following themes: (a) Reduction and prevention of post-harvest losses by: (i) Improving methods, means and the political and institutional environment conducive to good practices for handling, preservation, processing and packaging of fishery products; (ii) Better utilizing low value fish, bycatch and discards; (iii) Developing by-products; (b) Improving fishery products safety by strengthening inspection and quality control services and systems, certification, eco-labelling, etc.; (c) Improving national, sub-regional marketing channels and international trade of fish and fishery products; (d) Socio-economics, gender and environmental issues related to post-harvest activities; and (e) Addressing the implications of COVID-19 on small-scale fishery value chains. Cette publication inclue les résumés des articles sélectionnés présentés par les experts à l’occasion de la réunion du Réseau africain sur la technologie et la sécurité sanitaire du poisson (ANFTS) en 2021. Les résumés sont sous-divisés selon les thèmes suivants: (a) réduction et la prévention des pertes après capture par: (i) l'amélioration des méthodes, des moyens et de l'environnement politique et institutionnel propice aux bonnes pratiques de manipulation, conservation, transformation et conditionnement des produits de la pêche; (ii) une meilleure utilisation des poissons de faible valeur, des prises accessoires et des rejets; (iii) la création de sous-produits; (b) l’amélioration de la sécurité sanitaire des produits de la pêche en renforçant les services et les systèmes d'inspection et de contrôle de la qualité, la certification, l'éco-étiquetage; (c) l’amélioration des circuits de commercialisation nationaux, sous-régionaux et du commerce international du poisson et des produits de la pêche; (d) les questions socioéconomiques relatives à la parité hommes-femmes et à l’environnement, liées aux activités après capture; (e) la prise en compte des implications de la covid-19 sur les chaînes de valeur de la pêche artisanale.
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    Summary Report, Regional Workshop on Fish Health Management and Fish Diseases, 20–22 December 2021 / Региональный семинар по управлению здоровьем рыб и болезням рыб 20–22 декабря 2021 года Отчет по мероприятию / Özet Rapor Balık Sağlığı Yönetimi ve Balık Hastalıkları Bölgesel Çalıştayı 20–22 Aralık 2021 2023
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    This trilingual report is on the Regional Workshop on Fish Health Management and Fish Diseases, a hybrid event, which was held on 20–22 December 2021 in Antalya, Türkiye in partnership with the Central Union of Aquaculture Producers of Türkiye (SUYMERBIR). The study has been developed within the scope of the project “Capacity Development for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Türkiye (FISHCap)”, which is under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II). The report provides readers with basic knowledge on: (i) common diseases of cultured fish; (ii) methodologies to diagnose these diseases; and (iii) aquatic animal health management. In terms of infectious fish diseases, the report focused on the key freshwater fish species of the Central Asian and Caucasus (CAC) region, namely trout, carp and crayfish. Этот трехъязычный отчет посвящен Региональному семинару по управлению здоровьем рыб и болезням рыб, гибридному мероприятию, которое состоялось 20-22 декабря 2021 года в Анталии, Турция, в партнерстве с Центральным союзом производителей аквакультуры Турции (SUYMERBIR). Исследование было разработано в рамках проекта «Создание потенциала в интересах устойчивого управления рыбным хозяйством и аквакультурой в Центральной Азии, Азербайджане и Турции (FISHCap)», который осуществляется в рамках Программы партнерства ФАО-Турция в области продовольствия и сельского хозяйства (ППФТ II). Отчет предоставляет читателям базовые знания о: (i) распространенные заболевания культивируемой рыбы; (ii) методологии диагностики этих заболеваний; и (iii) управление здоровьем водных животных. Что касается инфекционных заболеваний рыб, то в докладе основное внимание уделяется ключевым видам пресноводных рыб региона Центральной Азии и Кавказа (ЦАК), а именно форели, карпу и ракам. Bu üç dilli rapor, FAO-Türkiye Gıda ve Tarım Ortaklık Programı (FTPP II) şemsiyesi altında yürütülen “Orta Asya, Azerbaycan ve Türkiye'de Sürdürülebilir Balıkçılık ve Su Ürünleri Yetiştiriciliği Yönetimine Yönelik Kapasite Geliştirme (Evre 1–su ürünleri ve gıda güvenilirliği) (FISHCap)” projesi kapsamında, Su Ürünleri Yetiştiricileri Merkez Birliği (SUYMERBİR) işbirliğiyle 20-22 Aralık 2021 tarihleri arasında Antalya / Türkiye'de gerçekleştirilen hibrid bir etkinlik olan “Balık Sağlığı Yönetimi ve Balık Hastalıkları Bölgesel Çalıştayı” hakkındadır. Enfeksiyöz balık hastalıkları açısından, Orta Asya ve Kafkasya bölgesinin önemli tatlısu balık türleri olan alabalık, sazan ve kerevite odaklanan rapor, kültür balıklarının (i) yaygın hastalıkları, (ii) bu hastalıkları teşhis etmek için kullanılan yöntemler ve (iii) sucul hayvan sağlığı yönetimi hakkında okuyuculara temel bilgi sağlamaktadır.

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