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Book (stand-alone)Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in the Near East and North Africa 2015 2017
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No results found.This document reviews the status and trends in aquaculture development in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. It updates the last Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) “Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in the Near East and North Africa – 2010” (FAO, 2011). It highlights the salient issues, particularly those that have evolved in the past decade (2010–2014). The data contained in the review is based on FAO’s official datasets (FAO, 2016a). Other local, regional and global information sources were also consulted throughout the review process. These included the FAO Fishery Country Profiles (FCPs), the National Aquaculture Sector Overviews (NASOs), the National Aquaculture Legislation Overviews (NALOs), the Database on Introductions of Aquaculture Species (DIAS), the World Bank and AQUASTAT. Regional fisheries and aquaculture management bodies and networks including the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFC M), the Working Group on Aquaculture of the Regional Commission on Fisheries (WGA-RECOFI) and the Regional Aquaculture Information System (RAIS) provided valuable information on the development of the aquaculture sector in the region. Additional information was also collected from trade magazines and other technical reports. -
Book (stand-alone)Regional review on status and trends in aquaculture development in North America 2015 2017
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No results found.The review summarizes status and trends of aquaculture development in North America for the period 2010-2015 and concentrates on activities in Canada and the United States of America. Relevant aspects of the social and economic background of each country are followed by a description of current and evolving aquaculture practices (species, methods, amounts and values) and the needs of the industry in terms of resources, services and technologies. Impacts of aquacultural practices on the environme nt are discussed, followed by a consideration of the industry’s response to market demands and opportunities and its contribution to social and economic development at the regional, national and international levels. External pressures on the sector, including climate change and economic events are described, along with associated changes in governance. The review concludes with an analysis of North American aquaculture’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the FAO Strategic Ob jectives, and the FAO Blue Growth Initiative. Throughout the review, outstanding issues and success stories are identified and a “way forward” suggested for each main topic. -
Book (stand-alone)Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in sub-Saharan Africa 2015 2017
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No results found.The present regional review and synthesis for sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) provides an overview of major issues and trends in the aquaculture sector between 2004 and 2014 with emphasis on outstanding issues over the last five years. The regional review reflects development in 41countries in SSA for which production was reported to FAO in 2014. The production volume and value data have been derived from the latest FAO global aquaculture dataset 1950-2014 (FishStat). Over 40 SSA countries have adopted national environmental framework laws and national aquaculture legislation overviews (NALOs) illustrate that some countries have incorporated specific regulations to promote environmental management of aquaculture. Regulations on the use of alien species, monitoring of aquaculture activities, improvement in the implementation of environmental impact assessment (EIA), the prevention and mitigation of escapes and aquaculture zoning as a well as the application of ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA) deserve more attention in region. There is a need for research and technology development, in particular the development of high quality, cost effective aquafeeds designed specifically for species and life stages being grown, profitability or viability of different aquaculture production systems and subsequent development of business plans, and value-chain improvement, marketing and research to inform policy.
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