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DocumentA study on the ecotourism cooperation using the forest cultural heritage in South and North Korea - Focusing on the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi (Geumgang mountain travels)
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Forest restoration and ecological protection in North Korea require a variety of approaches.
This research focuses on the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi, a shared forest cultural heritage between the two Koreas, to find ways to collaborate with ecotourism.
Is ecotourism a novel approach to Inter-Korean forest cooperation?
What are the advantages and prospects of working together on ecotourism projects centered on the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi?
To achieve the study's goal, North Korean literature data were reviewed and analyzed, and value models for ecotourism cooperation were investigated using content analysis of the Geumgangsan Yusan-gi.
Inter-Korean forest cooperation has primarily focused on planting and management to prevent forest devastation in North Korea.
Forest cooperation needs to develop into a scalable project that connects peace and tourism.
Ecotourism has the potential to be a new model for inter-Korean forest cooperation.
First, ecotourism cooperation pursues reciprocity.
Second, ecotourism is a sustainable project different from one-time support.
Third, ecotourism can be backed by the international community and promoted readily in the face of North Korean sanctions.
Fourth, the ecotourism cooperation project is in line with the Kim Jong-un administration's current tourism policy.
Fifth, the inter-Korean collaboration project based on the two Koreas' shared forest cultural legacy is a unique initiative rooted in Korea's history and tradition.
The Geumgangsan Yusan-gi can promote ecotourism cooperation, such as joint inter-Korean investigation and program development and operation.
To become a reality rather than a pipe dream, this proposal must overcome some obstacles, including the US and international community sanctions against North Korea.
Civil society organizations, such as forests and environmental organizations, play an important role in peace initiatives such as ecotourism and forest cooperation. Keywords: Deforestation and forest degradation, Biodiversity conservation, Education, Human health and well-being, Sustainable forest management ID: 3622982 -
DocumentA study on the forest policy for human health and well-being : Focusing on the case of forest welfare policy in Korea
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.The purpose of this study is to explore Korea's Forest Policy with respect to the improvement of human health and well-being(So called Forest Welfare). This case study explores the characteristics of forest welfare and divides it into four components, including the history and the laws governing it: 1. Forest Recreation (1-1. The creation of Yumyeongsan natural recreation forests(1980s), 1-2. The revision of the 'Forestry Act' to provide a legal basis for the creation of natural recreational forests(1990), 1-3. The enactment of the 'Forestry Culture and Recreation Act' to provide high-level forest recreational services (2005)), 2. Forest Education (2-1. The enactment of the 'Forest Education Promotion Act' (2011), 2-2. Introduction of the certificate system for Forest Education Experts (2012)), 3. Forest Therapy 3-1. The creation of the Sanum Healing Forest (2009), 3-2. The revision of the 'Forestry Culture and Recreation Act’ for the creation of “Healing Forest” (2010), 3-3. Introduction of the Forest Therapy Instructor system (2011)), 4. Forest Welfare (4-1. The enactment of the ‘Forest Welfare Promotion Act' (2015), 4-2. The establishment of a specialized agency named the Korea Forest Welfare Institute (2016)).
The Forest Welfare Policy have resulted in great gains in citizen’s entire life cycle: Before Birth, During Infancy, During Childhood and Adolescence, During Youth/Early Adulthood, During Midlife/Mature Adulthood, During Late Adulthood/Old age, and After Death. And the Forest Welfare Institute aims to contribute to the improvement of public health and happiness is constantly developing its mission for both the public and private sectors, and also strengthening scientific R&D. Therefore, this paper imply that the Forest Welfare Policy in Korea is one of the most advanced and future-oriented policies between forests and human. The Forest Welfare Policy will contribute to the development of a more holistic lifestyle. Keywords: Human health and well-being, Policies, One Health, Research, Education ID: 3623173 -
ArticleA study on a specialized flight safety management method to prevent accidents of forest fire-fighting helicopters (Focusing on accidents that occur in the process of loading water into a helicopter)
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Climate change has had a significant impact on the frequency of forest fires and the extent of damage caused by such fires. Dry lands and strong winds have been the primary causes of large-scale forest fires, as proven by outbreak of forest fires throughout the world in the recent few years, including those in the US, Canada, Australia, and Russia. The most effective method for responding to forest fires that quickly spread through strong winds is aerial firefighting using an air tank or a helicopter. However, the lives of many crew members have been sacrificed as a result of helicopter crashes that have frequently occurred during forest fire-fighting in different parts of the world. Inability to prevent frequent accidents involving forest firefighting helicopters can give a negative perception to the pilots that forest firefighting is dangerous work, which can cause a sharp decrease in work efficiency and number of pilots taking part in forest firefighting. Moreover, protecting skilled pilots from accidents is also very important for preventing deforestation by forest fires and sustainable development. To prevent accidents of forest fire-fighting helicopters, the Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) Team was established in 2019 to collect and analyze flight data of aircrafts approaching reservoirs for recommending pilots who exceed the safe range to change their flight habits, as well as providing training opportunities to change the flight habits of pilots who are repeatedly exposed to risk samples. This article explains the flight method applied during the process of approaching reservoirs, flight data analysis method, and safety management methods on preventing crashes by improving unsafe pilot habits. Key words: helicopter accident; wildfire fighting; vortex ring state; Korea Forest Service; FOQA ID: 3622024
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