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The marine plant resources and their aquaculture potential in the Bahamas. Report

Deboer, James A.The marine plant resources and their aquaculture potential in the Bahamas. Report.FAO Fisheries Technical Paper.Seattle. WA(USA). 1981. 49p.

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    Aquaculture potentialities in Grenada 1986
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    An assessment of marine and freshwater aquaculture potentialities in Grenada was carried out by 2 engineers of the French Company FRANCE-AQUACULTURE from October 1, 1986 to October 21, 1986. It showed that, technically, Grenada has large aquaculture potentialities : About 100 ha of coastal flat lands can be utilized for the gorw-out phase of both freshwater prawns and marine shrimps ; Large protected bays are suitable for the intensive culture of marine fish, seamoss (algae) and eventually King Crab ; Excellent hatchery sites for freshwater prawns, marine shrimps and marine fishes. However, due to : The present weakness of the national economy, and the priority for export and touristic markets ; The large potentialities of the fisheries sector. The consultants suggest the first priority should be the development of freshwater prawn culture in Grenada. The advantages of that form of aquaculture for Grenada can be summarized as follows : The production process is fully controlled and the activity can immediately start on a commercial basis in Grenada provided the proper technology be introduced in the country ; The activity will be financially viable in the country with a Financial Internal Rate of Return ranging between 16 % and 23 % (for one grow-out farm of 1 ha only). Furthermore, it will be accessible for large and small investors ; The objective of production is about 50 tons/year. It will allow to create 70–90 jobs at the production level (induced j obs not included) ; The activity is a low energy consumer (water supplied by gravity into the grow-out ponds) and the required feed (dry pellet) can be locally manufactured. Freshwater prawn culture does not exist in Grenada and the role of the Government will be to promote it. It will be possible with a PROJECT consisting of : The implementation and operation of a demonstration farm including 5 grow-out ponds of 2 000 m2 each and one small hatchery ;
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    Seafarming resources map 1989
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    This manual was revised to up-date the data according to information recently obtained from the provincial fisheries officers, and field surveys carried out during 1986–1988. The authors are grateful for generously of their time and cooperation during field visit to the potential areas. The authors are greatly indebted to the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), particularly Dr. Mahdi Kartasasmita, the Head of Earth Resources Satellitte Ground Station and Mrs. Sri Utaminingsih, P rocessing Data Analysis Officer who provided satellite imageries taken from MSS Landsat to confirm the suitability and the estimated area of the potential sites.
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    Development of Coastal Aquaculture. Phase 1: Final report 1986
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