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Ten ways to make fresh markets food safe

Special edition No. 1

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    Backyard farming and slaughtering – Keeping tradition safe
    Food safety technical toolkit for Asia and the Pacific No. 2
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    The region of Asia and the Pacific has a long history in farming livestock at the household level: this practice is linked with cultural identities and economic development in rural and low-mid socioeconomic communities. Household and village level animal production is well-aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and is therefore important to maintain, especially in the most populous region in the world. These practices, however, carry a risk of foodborne pathogens contaminating animal-derived foods as well as the risk of disease transmission from the animal or food to humans. Such risks can be addressed by promoting the adoption and implementation of safe and sustainable practices for home slaughtering among communities. These practices include good animal management practices that promote animal health (e.g. vaccination), practices to be adopted immediately prior to slaughter, the implementation of hygienic measures after slaughtering (including access to appropriate facilities), inspections and waste management. All of these factors have an influence on food safety and will need to be taken into consideration from food safety competent authorities.
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    Introduction and control of food hazards – Section 1 2023
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    This guidance document introduces the concept of good hygiene practices (GHP) and explains how to apply them to produce safe food. Good hygiene practices form the basis of all food hygiene systems that support the production of safe and suitable food. Food business operators must be aware of hazards that could affect their food and ensure that such hazards are properly managed to protect consumer health. Good hygiene practices are the foundation of any effective food safety management programme and implementing them gives food business operators a system for controlling food safety hazards. In the context of food safety, a hazard can be defined as any agent or substance associated with food that has the potential to cause harm when the food is ingested. Hazards encountered in foods can be categorized as chemical (e.g. pesticides), biological (e.g. pathogens) or physical (e.g. extraneous materials) all of which can contaminate food at points along the food chain. This publication is part of the FAO Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Toolbox for Food Safety series. The toolbox is a central repository of practical guidance and resource materials to strengthen food safety capacities, both public and private, in order to develop and implement food safety management programmes in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene guidelines.  Care was taken to consider the challenges faced by small food business operators and primary producers in low- and middle-income countries, and those with an institutional role, such as government officials, academia and capacity building organizations.
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    Personal hygiene – Section 6 2023
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    This guidance document provides detailed information on the importance of personal hygiene for those who work directly or indirectly with food. Personnel who do not maintain the appropriate degree of personal cleanliness, who have certain illnesses or conditions or who behave inappropriately, can contaminate food and transmit illness to consumers. Food businesses should establish policies and procedures for personal hygiene, ensure that all personnel are aware of the importance of good personal hygiene, and that they understand and comply with a set of practices designed to ensure food safety. This publication is part of the FAO Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Toolbox for Food Safety series. The toolbox is a central repository of practical guidance and resource materials to strengthen food safety capacities, both public and private, in order to develop and implement food safety management programmes in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene guidelines (CXC 1-1969). Care was taken to consider the challenges faced by small food business operators and primary producers in low- and middle-income countries, and those with an institutional role, such as government officials, academia and capacity building organizations.

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