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No results found.The training manual is composed of 5 learning blocks beginning with an overall introduction to the training by creating an enabling space for personal gender reflection. This is followed by sessions to build a foundation for gender analysis which unpack the concept of gender and gender roles through the Harvard Analytical Framework to facilitate the understanding of practical implications. Gender equity and equality is emphasized in forestry interventions as the goal of gender mainstreaming. The core components of gender mainstreaming in gender-sensitive actions are discussed. The practical tools for mainstreaming gender into forestry interventions are explored through project management cycles from assessment until evaluation and re-planning process. Gender mainstreaming in organization is also addressed with specific action points for each participant to follow after the training. -
Book (stand-alone)Gender, rural livelihoods and forestry 2017The main purposes of this research are to identify and analyse the role of women and men in the forestry sector in Kosovo, and women’s and men’s ownership and use of forests. The report also aims to analyse the gender issues within the institutional policy and legal framework that governs forest management, in order to provide recommendations on how to mainstream gender in forest policies in Kosovo more effectively. The research forms part of a project entitled, “Support to Implementation of the Forest Policy and Strategy in Kosovo” (GCP/KOS/005/FIN) funded by Finland, which aims to increase the forestry sector’s contribution to the national economy through the sustainable use of forest resources, taking into account multipurpose forestry, and the economic, social and environmental benefits of forests, as well as the sector’s contribution to climate change mitigation. The study demonstrates women’s limited access to decision-making and information compared with men, and women’s pen ding property rights. Furthermore, the high unemployment rate is the main obstacle identified by rural community members, especially women. The report also demonstrates the interests of rural women in improving their skills in the collection, processing and marketing of non-wood forest products (NWFPs). Consequently, the report shows the importance of improving women’s access to information, capacity development and decision-making. It concludes by emphasizing that NWFPs have strong potential fo r reducing food insecurity and poverty in the regions of the study, particularly when both women and men are effectively supported.
Book (stand-alone)Training guide on gender and climate change research in agriculture and food security for rural development 2013The guide is an important resource for development professionals and researchers working with households and communities. The objective of the gender and climate training guide is to address the lack of information on how men and women adapt to, and mitigate climate change. The Participatory Action Research methods and activities of the guide help ensure that gender is reflected in research activities and outcomes. The guide will help promote gender-sensitive adaptation and mitigation activities in projects for agriculture and food security. A gender-sensitive approach in agriculture is crucial to ensure that all people are supported to respond to climatic challenges.
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