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Book (stand-alone)Plant nutrition for food security - A guide for integrated nutrient management 2006
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No results found.Of the essential material needs of humankind, the basic requirement is for an adequate supply of air, water and food. People have free access to the air they breathe. However, access to drinking-water and food, while easily obtained for some, is difficult for many. In addition to being physically available, these materials should also be of acceptable quality and continuously so. Hunger and diseases have affected humankind since the dawn of history. Throughout time, there have been p eriods of famine leading to suffering and starvation, making the fight against hunger and the diseases caused by malnutrition a permanent challenge. For many centuries until about 1800, the average grain yield was about 800 kg/ha, providing food only for a few people. The main problems were the low fertility of most soils (mainly caused by the depletion of nutrients) and the great yield losses from crop diseases and pests. -
ProjectImproving Food Security, Nutrition, Decent Work and Economic Growth through Sustainable Aquaculture - GCP/GLO/990/ROK 2023
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No results found.Aquaculture has grown significantly in recent decades as a source of food, enhanced nutrition, income and livelihoods. Given the increasing reliance upon aquaculture worldwide, significant efforts are required in order to ensure the sustainable development of the sector, in particular related production. In October 2017, the Ninth Session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI:AQ) recognized the growing global significance of sustainable aquaculture development and its potential contribution to global food security and nutrition, but also to the achievement of a number of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. It further recognized the increasing need for implementation of best practices in aquaculture in a number of countries and regions and recommended the development by FAO of global Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA). These guidelines for policy-makers will aim to raise greater awareness within the aquaculture sector, and demonstrate alternative and integrated approaches, such as integrated fish and plant farming and climate-smart agriculture, in order to effectively participate in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The guidelines will be developed within the broader framework of FAO’s Common Vision for Sustainable Food and Agriculture and its five principles. -
DocumentImproving Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods through Emergency Seed Provision in Ethiopia - TCP ETH 3601 2018Ethiopia is vulnerable to many natural hazards, and years of below-average rainfall, coupled with the 2015 El Niño-induced drought, resulted in deteriorating food security in 2016. In some regions crop losses, mainly cereals, were between 30 and 95 percent. Many households had to eat their seed reserves, leaving them without means of production in future seasons. This project –part of the largest emergency seed response in Ethiopia’s history –focused on providing seed aid to vulnerable smallholders: 13 875 households were helped, over a third more than the 10 223 initially targeted, to resume their agricultural livelihoods.
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