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    Making the most of agricultural investment
    A survey of business models that provide opportunities for smallholders
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    Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in agricultural investment. In many cases, this new momentum has translated into large-scale acquisitions of farmland in lower- and middle-income countries. Partly as a result of sustained media attention, these acquisitions have triggered lively if polarised debates about “land grabbing”. Less attention has been paid, however, to alternative ways of structuring agricultural investments that do not involve large-scale land acquisitions. These include a wide range of more collaborative arrangements between large-scale investors and local small-scale farmers and communities, such as diverse types of contract farming schemes, joint ventures, management contracts and new supply chain relationships.
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    Good Governance and Natural Resource Tenure in the Caribbean Subregion
    Land Tenure Working Paper 17
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    This publication looks at the land governance situation in the Caribbean subregion. This working paper was done in light of FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources. Caribbean countries in general have key issues affecting land and natural resources tenure. This study identifies and assesses these issues and provides examples of good governance in the region.
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    Governance of Land Tenure in Central America 2010
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    Land Tenure Working Paper 18. Presents the main themes that characterize the governance in land tenure and analyses the aspects related to the evolution of agricultural policy issues in various Central American countries. It also offers some examples and lessons learned from new models of land administration and land access mechanisms that Central American governments and International Cooperation have fostered over the past fifteen years in the Region. Available in Spanish

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