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Special Alert No. 322 Somalia- December 2005

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Special Alert: SUDAN 25 May 2006 2006
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    A post-harvest FAO/WFP CFSAM visited Sudan from 24th February to 12th March 2006 to review the final Ministry of Agriculture estimates of the coarse grains harvest, estimate this seasons wheat production and provide a consultative update on the current national food supply situation with concomitant adjustments to the cereal supply/demand balance produced by the Crop and Food Supply Assessment (CFSAM) in November 2005. Some concerns were raised late last year of whether the actual harvest would in any way be different than the one forecast in the CFSAM report as it was carried out at the start of the harvesting season. Several circumstances that may result in lower outcomes were postulated, including disruptions in the normal harvesting of the remaining crops due an escalation of conflict in Darfur; labour shortages and high wage rates observed in high potential areas; and possible pests, diseases and weather anomalies that may occur during the harvesting of the bulk of the crops.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Special Alert No. 323 Parts of the Horn of Africa- January 2006 2006
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    Despite improved overall cereal harvests in 2005 in some countries of the Horn of Africa, recent severe droughts coupled with the effects of past and ongoing conflicts have put millions of people on the brink of starvation. Food shortages are particularly grave in Somalia where about 2 million people need humanitarian assistance. The food situation is also very serious in pastoral areas of northern and eastern Kenya, south-eastern Ethiopia and Djibouti. In the four Horn of Africa countries of So malia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia more than 11 million people are estimated to be in need of assistance.
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