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What do we mean by community-based sustainable wildlife management?

Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme Technical brief - What do we mean by community-based sustainable wildlife management? 2021
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    In order to achieve robust community-based sustainable wildlife management, six key components are needed. These focus on understanding the environments and the resources they contain, community rights, governance, management, and reducing rural dependency on unsustainable natural resource use. These components represent the minimum prerequisites for sustainable wildlife management actions. If one of these is missing, sustainable use is unlikely to be achieved. These components are as follows:
    • understanding the environment and its use
    • devolution of exclusionary rights
    • local-level management by a competent authority
    • social cohesion to manage as a community
    • effective governance systems
    • sustainable solutions for growth and increasing aspirations.
    The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme is developing innovative solutions based on field projects in 15 countries. It is a seven-year (2018–2024) Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) initiative, which is being funded by the European Union with co-funding from the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and the French Development Agency (AFD). It is being implemented by a dynamic consortium of four partners with expertise in wildlife conservation and food security:
    • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
    • Center for International Forestry Research(CIFOR)
    • French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
    • Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
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    What do we mean by community-based sustainable wildlife management?
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Community-based sustainable wildlife management (CB-SWM) is a collective social process by which resident rights holders agree to hunt or fish in a defined geographic area, in ways that maintain animal populations at stable levels over many decades. Remote rural communities use wildlife for food and income, and as part of their culture. Today, human population growth, increasing interconnectedness with urban areas and regional markets, and reduction of natural habitats, now threaten sustainability of wild meat offtake. Concurrently, weakening of rural governance systems has undermined local communities’ abilities to sustainably manage their natural resources. In the absence of people, wildlife populations fluctuate naturally with changes in food supply, predation pressure and disease prevalence. Hunting offtakes reduce animal populations below carrying capacity, but wildlife can persist whilst being hunted, as long as populations are not reduced below the level at which a random event (such as a disease outbreak or a climatic event) can wipe it out completely. Hunting is only one driver of population declines. If populations are impacted by additional human activities (e.g. agriculture, resource extraction or urbanisation), previously sustainable hunting may become unsustainable.

    Six key components are key to achieve robust CB-SWM. These focus on understanding the environments and the resources they contain, community rights, governance, management, and reducing rural dependency on unsustainable natural resource use. These components are the minimum prerequisites for SWM action: if one is missing, sustainable use is unlikely to be achieved. The six components : “Understanding the environment and its use”; “Devolution of exclusionary rights”; “Local-level management by a competent authority”; “Social cohesion to manage as a community”;Effective governance systems”; andSustainable solutions for growth and increasing aspirations” are described here. Keywords: Sustainable forest management, Biodiversity conservation, Adaptive and integrated management, Food systems, Value chain ID: 3487211
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Community-based monitoring in the context of sustainable wildlife management and biodiversity conservation in tropical countries 2025
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    This document is addressed to communities and their partners, and features eight main key lessons learned that emerge from the implementation of community-based monitoring in the context of wildlife management and biodiversity conservation, across 15 countries in Africa, the Guyana Shield and the Pacific Region in which the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme is implemented. The examples involve diverse forms of community-based monitoring and include different ecosystems (forests, savannahs, wetlands) and taxonomic groups (birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish). We further provide a more focused description of five case studies, including the multitaxa community-based monitoring process implemented by community wildlife and fisheries committees in the Rupununi (Guyana), the human-wildlife coexistence monitoring programme implemented by communities in Mucheni Community Conservancy (Zimbabwe), the co-managed monitoring system implemented for sustainable hunting around Lastoursville (Gabon), and the citizen science process implemented in communities around the Dja Reserve (Cameroon) to monitor and alert emergence of zoonotic diseases and the community-based monitoring system implemented in Namibia in the context of community-based conservancies (Namibia).

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