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Marine fisheries statistics in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

an expanded plan of development

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    Pelagic Fishery Investigations on the Southwest Coast - phase 2, India. Distribution and abundance of marine fish resources off the Southwest Coast of India (Results of acoustic surveys, 1976-78)
    Pelagic Fishery Investigation on the South-West Coast, India, IND/75/038
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    This is one of a series of reports prepared during the course of the FAO/UNDP project identified on the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given in the report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project.
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    Building awareness in aspects of fishery statistics, stock assessment and management. proceedings of the FAO/SEAFDEC regional training workshop on the use of statistics and other information for stock assessment. 2002
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    An account of the FAO/SEAFDEC workshop, this document includes a brief account of the fishery statistics programme undertaken by the FAO Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit. Catch statistics from the FAO database are provided for each country along with comments relevant to the quality of the statistics. Fish stock assessment initiatives in the region are briefly reviewed. This is followed by an introduction to spreadsheet applications of the Thompson and Bell’s approach to assessing f ishery performance and on the use of trophic models as applied in the aquatic ecosystem off the southwest of India. Issues concerning fishery management are also discussed. These include a brief review on marine fisheries management in the region, and suggested approaches to achieving better linkages between research and management. The latter include formalizing the linkages through legally empowered fisheries management plans, and fishing community / industry / government co-financing of fishe ries research and management.
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    Book (series)
    Review of the state of world marine fishery resources 2005
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    This document updates the regular reviews of the state of the world's marine fisheries and fishery resources, based mainly on official catch statistics throughout 2002 and relevant stock assessment and other complementary information available until 2004. The introductory chapters refer to the global situation and major trends of world marine capture fish production and the state of the world marine fishery resources. More detailed information is provided for each FAO statistical area, together with a discussion of the major trends and changes that have occurred with the main fishery resources exploited in each area and comments on the stock assessment work undertaken in support of fisheries management in each region. Special sections address the global issue of tunas and tuna-like species and other high profile topics such as those dealing with world squid resources, deep-sea fisheries and long-term climate change and fisheries. Summary tables are provided for each statistical area s howing historical and recent catches for the major marine resources and judgements on their current state of exploitation.

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