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Food systems transformation

Protecting and transforming value chains and agrifood businesses

​FAO. 2021. Food systems transformation: Protecting and transforming value chains and agrifood businesses​. FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme: Near East and North AfricaCairo.

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    Book (series)
    Africa regional overview of food security and nutrition 2020: Transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets 2021
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    Africa is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 targets to end hunger and ensure access by all people to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food all year round and to end all forms of malnutrition. The number of hungry people on the continent has risen by 47.9 million since 2014 and now stands at 250.3 million, or nearly one-fifth of the population. The 2017, 2018 and 2019 editions of this report explain that this gradual deterioration of food security was due to conflict, weather extremes, and economic slowdowns and downturns, often overlapping. A continued worsening of food security is expected also for 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to hunger, across all countries in Africa millions of people suffer from widespread micronutrient deficiencies, and overweight and obesity are emerging as significant health concerns in many countries. This report shows that the food system in Africa does not provide food at a cost that makes nutritious food affordable to a majority of the population, and this is reflected in the high disease burden associated with maternal and child malnutrition, high body-mass, micronutrient deficiencies, and dietary risk factors. The report also shows that current food consumption patterns impose high health and environmental costs, which are not reflected in food prices. The findings presented in this report highlight the importance of prioritizing the transformation of food systems to ensure access to affordable and healthy diets for all, produced in a sustainable manner.
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    COVID-19 impacts on agri-food value chains
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    The rapid escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted structural problems with Libyan food and agriculture value chains. Nine years of protracted conflict weakened Libya’s agriculture and deteriorated its food and agribusiness sector. The entire value chain is underdeveloped, is not well integrated and depends on imports, making it vulnerable to global supply shocks. The pandemic response requires a strong policy responses starting by making food and nutrition assistance at the heart of social protection programmes in Libya and to keep the food value chain alive by focusing on key logistics bottlenecks. Libya will benefit from keeping the global food trade open to be able to keep physical and economic access to food feasible and sustainable. Libya may rethink its food security to ensure strong and significant recovery from both conflict and COVID-19 crisis.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Food systems transformation
    Antimicrobial resistance and food safety in Africa
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    This action sheet is part of a series of action sheets developed under the seven key priority areas of the FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery programme, the FAO umbrella programme designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. Each action sheet includes a project proposal in support of countries most in need for which FAO is leveraging high-level political, financial and technical expertise. All action sheets are gathered on the Food Coalition web hub,  where members of the Coalition - a multi-stakeholder global alliance for a unified global action in response to COVID-19 - can easily access the action sheet project-focused information and data as well as the funding gap on the ground, the type of assistance that would be required and decide how they wish to contribute: through voluntary contributions, provision of expert and expertise, innovative solutions and an exchange of knowledge and experience.

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