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Food Outlook - June 2011

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    Includes a Special Feature — Pulses: a Multi-faceted crop
    Global food commodity markets are broadly stable, supported by adequate supplies. Prospects for continued stability remain favourable also for 2016/17. Despite larger volumes of imports, the world food import bill is set to decline by 9 percent to a 7-year low in 2016, on expectation of lower international prices and freights. The International Year of Pulses 2016 presents a unique opportunity to bring to the fore the challenges faced by the sector and galvanize stakeholders to ensure the successful role of pulses in food and nutrition security, poverty alleviation and sustainability.This issue of Food Outlook includes a special features section," Pulses: A multi-faceted crop" that presents information and production, consumption and trade statistics on pulses, the contribution of pulses to environmental sustainability and nutritional benefits of pulses.
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