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Technical Assistance to Department of Policy and Legal Affairs for Preparation of the Consolidated Agricultural, Forestry and Rural Development (AFRD) Strategy - TCP/LAO/3702

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    Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (MAAR) –Support for Planning Based on Agricultural Statistics - TCP/SYR/3702 2022
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    In the Syrian Arab Republic, efforts have been made in recent years to support the collection of agricultural data and the calculation of related statistics for the formulation of evidence based agriculture strategies, policies and programmes That said, further interventions are required to achieve certain priorities, including an improvement of the quality of agriculture planning and the strengthening of collaboration between the statistical and planning units of different government institutions Through a combination of capacity building and the provision of equipment, the project aimed to contribute towards the achievement of the above mentioned priorities, which are expected to improve the livelihoods of Syrian farmers and ultimately support sustainable development and food and nutrition security in the country.
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    European Union (EU) Integration and Policy Support in Agriculture and Rural Development - TCP/ALB/3802 2025
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    Albania was granted European Union (EU) candidate status in June 2014. As part of the European Council’s conclusions of June 2019, the country was expected to conduct several development processes to enhance the agricultural sector to align national policies to modern EU standards, laying the groundwork for the full implementation of the European instrument for pre accession assistance for rural development (IPARD). However, the agricultural system in Albania is mainly formed by small and family farms that operate with a low level of mechanization, and there is a lack of policy analysis, data collection systems, such as farm accountancy data networks (FADN) and reporting mechanisms, which are required to evaluate progress towards the achievement of the SDGs. To address these challenges and continue preparing the EU-membership candidature, this project was designed to i) assist in completing the legal framework for organic products, wine by-laws, quality policy and seed and seedling by-laws, ii) advice on how to improve agricultural registries (for wine, for instance), develop an FADN action plan and adopt an EU-aligned FADN system in Albania, and iii) increase institutional capacities to provide an appropriate response while implementing EU funds for rural development (IPARD funds).
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    Renforcement du Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources naturelles et du développement rural pour l’appui aux services d’assistance technique dans le département du Sud - TCP/HAI/3606 2020
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    Dans le but de moderniser l’agriculture d’Haïti et dans un contexte de vulnérabilité aux catastrophes naturelles, le Ministère de l'agriculture, des ressources naturelles et du développement rural (MARNDR) a pris une série de mesures visant à renforcer les capacités institutionnelles, en particulier dans le domaine de la fourniture de services et d’assistance technique de proximité des zones rurales. La faiblesse observée dans les services techniques et l’appui aux agriculteurs des structures déconcentrées des Ministères ralentit en effet le développement du secteur. Le projet visait à augmenter la résilience des moyens de subsistance des familles en favorisant la diversification des systèmes productifs par la promotion de l’agroforesterie, afin d'assurer la disponibilité des aliments et la génération de revenus; à renforcer les capacités institutionnelles aux niveaux régional et national pour assurer la fourniture de biens et de services de l'État qui permettent la continuité de l'assistance technique, la formation et la mise en œuvre de politiques et de programmes.

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