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Resilience Building in Liberia

FAO Programme Review 2024

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    Resilience Building in Madagascar
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    The FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF) collaborates with several African countries in Africa, including Madagascar, to enhance resilience building efforts. In Madagascar FAO is employing an integrated approach to restore and enhance the food production as well as diversify the di¬ets of the communities. Support includes production of short-cycle vegetables, early maturing, and climate-re¬silient varieties of pulses and cereals, and small livestock (poultry and small ruminants), while increasing farmers access to agriculture inputs and sensitizing them to biolog¬ical control of plant pest and diseases. Emphasis is made to include climate-smart agriculture and nutrition sensitive agriculture, combined with sustainable water solutions. To protect and enhance livestock-based livelihoods, livestock vaccination and treatment campaigns are be¬ing scaled up. This includes awareness creation on com¬mon animal disease outbreaks and control but above all, during training sessions, the emphasis is on a prophy¬lactic approach. Furthermore, FAO Madagascar supports the Government in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Finally, efforts are being made to rebuild herds and diversify livelihoods through restocking measures, along with en¬hanced animal health services and robust surveillance of common livestock diseases. Through solar pump irrigation systems, FAO is working with communities to build water infrastructure to in¬crease access and availability of water resource for agri¬cultural production and livestock. FAO is also providing support to the Government of Madagascar to strengthen Food Security and Nutrition information analysis and co¬ordination for improved preparedness and response. The food security, nutrition and climate information systems are being reinforced with a focus on strengthening part¬nerships with national and the Southern Africa Devel¬opment Community (SADC). , This document reflects an analysis of ongoing FAO Madagascar resilience building interventions and how they contribute towards the five capacities for resilience building, namely: Preventive: reduce existing and future risks; Anticipative: act early; Absorptive: the ability to bounce back, overwhelmingly humanitarian (emergency response); Adaptive: incremental adjustments; Transformative: make fundamental changes to the system. The five capacity areas are in most cases overlapping during specific project implementation, with the classification based on the overarching resilience capacity area.
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    Resilience Building in South Sudan
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    The FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF) collaborates with several African countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including South Sudan, to enhance resilience building efforts. In South Sudan, FAO implements a comprehensive resilience program focusing on various sectors such as agriculture, livestock, and agribusiness to improve food security, livelihoods, and resilience. This initiative involves supporting farmer organizations, infrastructure development, early warning systems, and livestock sector improvements. FAO also contributes to humanitarian programming and crisis management, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The organization emphasizes inclusivity, sustainability, and modernization through digital transformation. By addressing different dimensions of resilience, FAO aims to empower communities and foster sustainable development amidst complex challenges.This document reflects an analysis of ongoing FAO South Sudan resilience building interventions and how they contribute towards the five capacities for resilience building, namely: Preventive: reduce existing and future risks; Anticipative: act early; Absorptive: the ability to bounce back, overwhelmingly humanitarian (emergency response); Adaptive: incremental adjustments; Transformative: make fundamental changes to the system. The five capacity areas are in most cases overlapping during specific project implementation, with the classification based on the overarching resilience capacity area.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Resilience Building in Nigeria
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    The FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF) collaborates with several African countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, to enhance resilience building efforts. In Nigeria, FAO implements a comprehensive resilience program focusing on various sectors such as agriculture, livestock, and agribusiness to improve food security, livelihoods, and resilience. This initiative involves supporting farmer organizations, infrastructure development, early warning systems, and livestock sector improvements. FAO also contributes to humanitarian programming and crisis management, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The organization emphasizes inclusivity, sustainability, and modernization through digital transformation. By addressing different dimensions of resilience, FAO aims to empower communities and foster sustainable development amidst complex challenges.This document reflects an analysis of ongoing FAO Nigeria resilience building interventions and how they contribute towards the five capacities for resilience building, namely: Preventive: reduce existing and future risks; Anticipative: act early; Absorptive: the ability to bounce back, overwhelmingly humanitarian (emergency response); Adaptive: incremental adjustments; Transformative: make fundamental changes to the system. The five capacity areas are in most cases overlapping during specific project implementation, with the classification based on the overarching resilience capacity area.

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