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FAO's role in humanitarian contexts

Saving lives through stronger, more resilient livelihoods in 2018

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    FAO's role in humanitarian contexts
    Saving lives through stronger, more resilient livelihoods - Revised version
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    The number of people experiencing hunger – both chronic and acute – has been persistently high in recent years. The 2019 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World indicates that the number of people facing hunger rose to 820 million in 2018, up from 811 million in 2017. According to the Global Report on Food Crises 2019, around 113 million people in 53 countries experienced acute hunger in 2018, requiring urgent humanitarian assistance. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has a unique role to play in preventing and addressing acute hunger and supporting countries experiencing food crises to return to a path of growth and prosperity. Protecting livelihoods by providing emergency agricultural assistance from the onset of a crisis is crucial to save lives, while enabling people to produce food and earn an income. In humanitarian contexts, FAO helps people to anticipate and prepare for crises, responds fast to crises and seeks to reduce risks and address vulnerabilities.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO in the 2019 humanitarian appeals
    Revised edition
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    The number of people facing severe hunger in the world continues to rise. Conflict and extreme climate events remain the main drivers behind severe food crises. Often occurring simultaneously, all dimensions of food security – food availability, access and utilization – are further undermined. Agriculture – the main source of livelihood for the majority of crisis affected populations – plays a crucial role in fighting hunger. Investing in agricultural support from the onset of a crisis saves lives and enables families trapped by fighting or living in remote areas to rapidly resume local food production and earn an income. In 2019, FAO’s response will continue to be scaled up to strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacities of people’s livelihoods and food systems. This will help to address the root causes of increased food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly of those most exposed and vulnerable to shocks. FAO requires USD 940 million to assist 32 million people in 2019.
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    Building stronger partnerships for resilience
    Opportunities for greater FAO engagement in realizing the goals of the DFID Humanitarian Policy
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    After decades of progress, hunger - both acute and chronic - is on the rise again. In 2017, a massive humanitarian effort helped to contain famine in South Sudan and avert famine in northeastern Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen. Despite this, the number of people on the brink of severe hunger continues to rise. Recognizing that humanitarian assistance alone cannot sufficiently address the growing number of people on the verge of catastrophe, FAO's humanitarian interventions are embedded in resilience building efforts that seek to tackle the root causes of vulnerabilities while meeting the immediate needs of affected communities. In 2017, DFID released a new Humanitarian Reform Policy, outlining how DFID plans to "build a more secure and prosperous world" through its humanitarian work. This FAO-DFID partnership document has been developed in response to this in order to guide and strengthen the partnership between FAO and the United Kingdom's Department for International Development to address acute hunger and build the resilience of agriculture-based livelihoods in the face of crisis. It is envisaged that this document will be updated regularly based on the outcomes of the annual FAO-DFID strategic dialogue.

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