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Poster, bannerSecond and Third 2022 Awareness Raising Programme for Future Leaders 2022
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No results found. The poster will be used to promote second and third raising awareness programme, which is being hosted under the LoA with Daesan Agriculture Foundation (DAF). Please also refer to job number 296724 on PWS, which is a banner for the first awareness raising programme. Thank you. -
Poster, bannerNetworking Seminar on Awareness Raising Programme for Future Leaders 2022
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DocumentSustainable forest sustainable future: Sowing passion and raising awareness of future generations
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Bearing tagline Sustainable Forest Sustainable Future, the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) recognises the importance and role of younger generations, deeply convinced that the future of sustainability lies in the hands of the future generations.
In this context, MTCC has intentionally collaborated/participated in a number of activities to sow seed of sustainability among the younger generations, among others as follows: (i) participated in the annual Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair (KLESF) to engage primary and secondary school children to inspire them to love and care for our valuable natural resource; (ii) presented education talks for architecture students at local universities - to raise awareness of the students on the importance of sustainable forest management and how they could contribute towards this cause in the future through specifying the use of PEFC/MTCS-certified timber in their building designs; (iii) collaborated with local universities to present MTCC academic awards to deserving graduating students in forestry related fields - to motivate and inspire these students to strive for excellence in their education as well as engage them to care for the forests and their sustainability; and (iv) organised MTCC Photography Contest- to raise public awareness on the beauty and benefits of Malaysia’s tropical forests while promoting the importance of valuing the nature and managing the green wonders through timber certification to benefit future generations.
The poster showcases the various activities conducted by MTCC towards this important endeavour. Keywords: Sustainable forest management, Youth and young generation, Education ID: 3486748
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