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(1998) Report of the Twenty-sixth session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)

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    (1998) Report of the sixty-seventh session of the Executive Committee of APFIC 1998
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    This document presents the fil report of the Sixty-seventh session of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Asia~Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held at the FAORegiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, from 10-12 June 1998. Major topics discussed were: progress reports on the intersessiol activities of APFIC; current issues on fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region; review of the achievements and future direction of APFIC, including the merger of APFIC and the IOFC Bay of Bengal Committee and possible contributions by Member States to support the activities of APFIC; progress report on preparations for the Twenty-sixth Session of the Commission and the technical Symposium. on Fish Utilization in the Asia-Pacific Region, The summary of the main recommendations/decisions is shown in AppendiX H.
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    (1996) Report of the sixty-sixth session of the Executive Committee of APFIC 1996
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    This document presents the fil report of the Sixty»sixth Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) which was held held at the FAO Regiol OffIce for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok. Thailand. from 12 to 14 March 1996 Major topic, discussed were: progress reports on the activities of APFIC; review of the functions and responsibilities of APFIC in fisheries magement and aquaculture development in the Asia- Pacific region; proposals for reinforcing the structu re and functions of the Executive Committee and proposed amendments to the APFIC Agreement and Rule, of Procedure; progress report on preparations for the Twenty-fifth SessIon of the Commission and the technical Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Responsible Fisheries; and the Kyoto Declaration and Plan of Action on the Sustaible Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security, The summary of the main recommendations/decisions is shown in Appendix G.
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    (2014) Report of the Seventy-fifth Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission 2014
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      Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission. 2014. Report of the Seventy-fifth Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 11–13 November 2014, FAO Regiol Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, RAP Publication 2014/25, 21 p.  This document presents the fil report of the Seventy-fifth Session of the Executive Committee of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) that was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 11 to 13 November 2014. The APFIC Executive Com mittee at its Seventy-fifth session comprised Sri Lanka (Chair), Philippines (Vice-Chair), Indonesia and Myanmar (Members), India (former Chair) and the Secretary of the Commission (as an ex officio Member). The Executive Committee agreed that there were common objectives between the FAO/APFIC Regiol Initiative on Blue Growth and the work priorities identified by the Commission. It recommended that the Regiol Initiative on Blue Growth and APFIC’s related work should be brought to the attention o f the FAO Asia-Pacific Regiol Conference (APRC), through the inclusion of an APRC agenda item on the contribution of fish to nutrition and food security. The Executive Committee agreed that there was a need for monitoring in order to assess the benefits and risks of FADs and artificial reefs in the region and agreed with the development of an approach to assess the ture and extent of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the APFIC region. The Executive Committee developed the agen da of the APFIC regiol consultative workshop “Documentation and dissemition of successful sustaible aquaculture intensification practices in Asia” and reviewed the planned activity “APFIC regiol consultative workshop on improving the contribution of culture-based fisheries and related fishery enhancements in inland waters to blue growth”, noting that this was a timely contribution to the dialogue on blue growth and its potential in inland waters. The Executive Committee noted the endorsed regiol guidelines and training courses developed by APFIC and emphasized the importance of engagement with regiol partners to ensure their promotion within the region and provide suggestions in that regard. The Executive Committee reviewed the budget and expenses of the Commission and recommended that core allocation be sustained and suggested cost reduction strategies and means of encouraging greater contributions of in-kind support to the work of the Commission. The Executive Committee discussed the preparations for the Sixth APFIC Regiol Consultation Forum Meeting (RCFM) and the Thirty-fourth Session of the Commission to be held in Sri Lanka in January/February 2016. The Executive Committee agreed that the Seventy-sixth Session of the Executive Committee would be convened in the Philippines in September 2016 subject to confirmation by the Philippines’ government. 

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