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Book (stand-alone)Final report of the Sea Containers Task Force 2022
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No results found.National economies depend on the efficient and uninterrupted movement of trade, which is facilitated by the efficient movement of sea containers through a complex and time-sensitive logistical system. With over 220 million containers shipped each year, the scale of sea container operations is monumental. As a consequence, any changes to the system are likely to have substantive knock-on effects. As the Sea Containers Task Force (SCTF) worked through its mandate and explored various challenges, opportunities and considerations, its members felt that it would be important to present Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) with these considerations to ensure that any decisions be taken in light of detailed information. Key considerations include: the fact that the type of commodity and the handling and storage of commodities prior to and during packing could influence and result in the contamination of containers; that there was no way to track all stakeholders involved and therefore full accountability or custodianship was missing; that contracting parties may lack the capacity to carry out inspections, given the large volume of container movements involved; and that the costs associated with container inspections would be very high. SCTF considered possible ways forward to address the issue of pest contamination of sea containers and the advantages and disadvantages of each (section 6.2). Possible courses of action include: voluntary measures developed and implemented by industry sectors; developing an IPPC Recommendation; developing an IPPC recommendation and an International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM), with the revision of the Recommendation being a first and transitional step towards adoption of ISPM; and developing a new ISPM without updating the existing recommendation. SCTF did not recommend any one course of action over the others. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetIPPC Guidance on Sea Container Cleanliness 2018Sea containers are a significant pathway for the potential entry of pests, as they move large volumes of internationally traded goods and personal effects. Entry and spread of pests to new areas via sea containers could result in important control and eradication costs, losses in yields and access to export markets, and threaten food security, agriculture, as well as the environment. The industry and the IPPC have undertaken several milestone activities to develop and promote guidelines for countries to manage pest risks via this pathway. This publication is intended to raise awareness of the issue by national plant protection organizations, border protection agencies, shippers, global shipping companies. It promotes the cleaning and inspection of sea containers and encourages everyone involved in moving containers to ensure that containers and their cargo are free from plant pests.
ProjectDeveloping an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Biorational Program for Control and Containment of the Invasive Pest of Tomato (Tuta Absoluta) in Nigeria - TCP/NIR/3601 2021
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No results found.Small scale farmers are the main producers of tomatoes for domestic consumption in Nigeria, as well as for the regional markets Post harvest loses, estimated to be as high as 51 percent, continue to take a heavy toll on the country’s economy With a sizeable proportion of Nigeria’s population living below the internationally accepted poverty line, major emphasis needs to be placed on minimizing losses so that produce can become available and affordable to vulnerable rural communities, in particular women and children, thereby raising the nutrition standards of rural people Most tomato production is carried out by small scale farmers However, both the small scale producers and the potential commercial growers are now affected and threatened by the outbreak and spread of Tuta absoluta This pest leads to a fungal infestation, which in turn causes rotting of the fruit either before or after harvest The project’s focus was on developing and incorporating an acceptable Integrated Pest Management ( protocol to curtail the menace of T absoluta and to mitigate its adverse effects on the processing industry, as well as the socio economic implications of farmers abandoning the tomato farming business for other crops in Nigeria, in particular in the five states selected for the execution of this pilot project ( Katsina Kaduna, Plateau and Jigawa.
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