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Sue's apple orchard

Mor, B. 2021. Sue’s apple orchard. Ankara, FAO. 

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    A manual for apple pollination 2016
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    The purpose of this manual is to improve knowledge concerning the management of bee pollinators in apple orchards so as to enhance apple quality and yield. The publication was prepared as part of the GEF supported project “Conservation and Management of Pollinators for Sustainable Agriculture, through an Ecosystem Approach” implemented in seven countries – Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan and South Africa. The project is coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Uni ted Nations (FAO) with implementation support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
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    Accelerated vocational training in agriculture curriculum of module on apple harvest and post-harvest practices 2021
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    This curriculum was prepared under the project "Upgrading the Technical Agricultural Education System in Lebanon, OSRO / 601 / LEB / NET". In line with the strategic objectives of the Food and Agriculture Organization, in particular, Strategic Objective No. 3: “Rural Poverty Reduction” and Strategic Objective No. 5: “Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises”, prepared by FAO - in cooperation with AVSI and WARD and according to Ibrahim Al-Hariri and Dr. Hussein Hassan. (2018). A guide to reducing post-harvest food losses in the apple production chain in Lebanon. Beirut: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture. This curriculum aims to train young people and familiarize them with areas related to the operations of harvesting and post-harvesting of apples through its application in technical and vocational training and education for the age group of 14-25 years. At the end of this training, the trainee will be able to familiarize himself with the apple harvesting process, learn about the methods of transporting, packing, and cooling the apple product, in addition to practices done to reduce the causes of food losses in the apple production chain.
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    Apple-producing family farms in South Tyrol - An agricultural innovative case study 2014
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    Apple production in South Tyrol is a true illustration of a vibrant agricultural innovation system. It is a collaborative and pluralistic structure that comprises private and public actors, different tiers of producer organizations, cooperatives, research, extension and advisory services, all geared towards integrating small-scale apple producers in a highly productive, profitable and efficient system. Today, apple production is a main family farming activity in South Tyrol, practised on a total area of 19 000 ha with an average landholding of 2.5 ha. Up to 95% of the farmers are members of cooperatives. Over 8 000 small-scale producers have joined together in cooperatives that are clustered to form two main producer organizations. Small farmers in South Tyrol currently produce 50%, 15% and 2% of apples on the Italian, European and global markets respectively. The cooperative culture, the diversity of services, the multiple actors and their changing roles within the system offer a goo d opportunity for learning about the dynamics of agricultural innovation. This paper presents the evolution of this agricultural innovation system, and analyses the triggers and the drivers of innovation in the apple production sector in South Tyrol.

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