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FAO Liberia Newsletter, July 2023 – Issue #3

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    FAO Liberia Newsletter, October 2023 – Issue #4 2023
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    This is the third quarter newsletter for 2023 from FAO Liberia. This issue covers FAO Liberia's activities from July to September 2023. The newsletter includes stories on the launch of the Liberia Soil Information System, the 23rd Session of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) hosted by Liberia, a joint project to promote digital villages, updates on the Forest Farm Facility project in Liberia, FAO's technical support for the national strategic plan to improve agricultural statistics, training on construction and maintenance of fish processing facilities, FTT, engagement in the Liberia Rice Symposium, new partnerships with local NGOs for a community forestry project, and awareness-raising on World Rabies Day 2023.
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    FAO One Country One Priority Product Newsletter, July 2023 – Issue #3 2023
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    This newsletter collates a variety of activities that have taken place under the One Country One Priority Product Initiative (OCOP) from May to July 2023. The FAO Director-General QU Dongyu reiterated the importance of the OCOP initiative as a key part of the Organisation's overarching strategy. A;lso highlighted are the series of successful regional launch event and workshops on the implementation of OCOP country projects that took place in Uzbekistan, Malawi and Bangladesh. Along with these events there were key milestones for implementation and coordination, namely the Regional Organising Group for Asia and the Pacific, the Sustainable Food Value Chain training for each OCOP demonstration country team and the fifth Inception Workshop for a OCOP demonstration country, about the sustainable development of date palms in Egypt. Resources are being made available on the OCOP website, including the first OCOP webinar and a series of videos produced by the FAO Office of Asia and the Pacific. Finally, there is a field story about the importance of the jackfruit in Bangladesh, with a testimony from jackfruit farmer Kazi Muhammad Fazlul Huq.
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    FAO Gambia Newsletter, July 2022 - Issue #2
    Towards improving lives and livelihood in the Gambia
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    FAO Gambia country office presents the second edition of its quarterly newsletter for 2022 with stories of successes and achievements. This edition focuses on all the external engagements of the country office including training sessions in collaboration with other country offices and regional and sub-regional offices aimed at improving the capacity of the staff and major stakeholders we are supporting. All these activities have aimed to forge meaningful partnerships for better impact. The newsletter mentions important events such as the Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) Workshop in Senegal and the Business Operations Strategy (2.0) Training of Trainers (ToT) held in Nairobi. On the backdrop, FAO Gambia was also able to host a delegation of farmers and agriculture officers from Liberia who visited to learn about some of the best agricultural practices in the Gambia These stories are among many others that are featured in this newsletter. Read more.

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