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Socio-economic indicators relating to the agricultural sector and rural development

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    Manual of fisheries sampling surveys: methodologies for estimations of socio-economic indicators in the Mediterranean Sea. 2004
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    This manual on the sampling methodology for use in the construction of socio-economic indicators was initiated by the Sub-Committee on Economic and Social Sciences (SCESS) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). It was carried out jointly by Istituto Ricerche Economiche per la Pesca e l’Acquacoltura (IREPA), Salerno, Italy, and Gabinete de Economía del Mar (GEM), Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, within the framework of the ad hoc Work ing Group on Socio-Economic Indicators of SCESS. This manual is aimed at all decision-makers who may need correct data to build socio-economic indicators. At an international level, the manual can be used to facilitate and simplify reporting under international conventions and agreements on matters relating to the sustainable development of the world’s fisheries. Regional fisheries bodies and stakeholders involved in fisheries decision-making, such as the fishing industry, other user groups, c ertification bodies, local communities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may also draw upon this manual to assist in meeting societal goals for fisheries. This manual can be applied to fisheries at many different levels, from individual fisheries and coastal management units to a global level. It aims to encourage consistent usage of statistical methods in data collection. Governments may also wish to adapt the manual to the specific requirements of their national fisheries.
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    Guidelines on the collection of demographic and socio-economic information on fishing communities for use in coastal and aquatic resources management 2004
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    Article 10 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) sets out principles and standards for the integration of fisheries in coastal management. Article 10.2.4 of the CCRF states: “States, in accordance with their capacities, should establish or promote the establishment of systems to monitor the coastal environment as part of the coastal management process using physical, chemical, biological, economic and social parameters. “The guidelines presented in Part 1 of this Fisheries Technical Paper attempt to identify empirically verifiable key indicators for the identification of socio-economic and demographic issues, problems and opportunities in coastal and aquatic resources management and for monitoring the impact of management measures on the socio-economic well-being of coastal and fishing communities. The guidelines also identify data sources and methods for the collection of data. Part 2 contains a summary of the proceedings and recommendations of the Regional Workshop on the Use of Demographic Data in Fisheries and Coastal Development and Management in the Philippines and other Southeast and South Asian Countries held at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines from 18 to 21 March 2002, as well as selected papers from the workshop. In Part 3, two case studies, one from the United States of America and the other from Italy, describe how socio-economic and demographic indicators are actually used in coastal and aquatic resources management.
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    Book (series)
    Feasibility assessment for a database on socio-economic indicators for Mediterranean fisheries. 2001
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    This pilot study on the construction of socio-economic indicators was initiated by the Sub-Committee on Social Science, Scientific Advisory Committee, of the GFCM. It was carried out in collaboration with FAO/FIPP and COPEMED. The study focussed on a particular GFCM management unit, the Alboran Sea, in the hope that results would be applicable to other GFCM management units and the Mediterranean as a whole. Although the research team encountered difficulties in terms of non-availability of cert ain data and delays in the development of sampling schedules, the study was useful in demonstrating the possibilities of developing indicators and of their application for building an understandting of main socio-economic trends within a Mediterranean fisheries management unit.

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