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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSoil acidification 2016
The front of the postcard provides a short description on Soil acidification(definition, cause, key facts) while the back gives the worldwide conditions and trends by region. The data given here is derived from information published in the Status of the World's Soil Resources report, released in December 2015.
The Report and the Technical Summary are available at the links below:
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetErosion du sol
Carte postale
2016Une série de 9 cartes s’intéressant aux menaces principales pesant sur les sols ont été préparées dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale sur les sols 2016. Elles offrent une brève description sur la erosion du sol (définition, causes, les principaux faits) et illustre les conditions dans le monde entier et les tendances par région. Les données utilisées pour leur préparation sont tirées des informations publiées dans l'État des ressources du sol le rapport du Monde, publié en Décembre à 2015.
- Lire le rapport complet disponible seulement en anglais.
- Lire Le Résumé technique de l’État des ressources en sols dans le monde.
No Thumbnail AvailableProjectInvestigations on acid sulfate soils of the Brackishwater Experimental Fish Farm, Buguma, Rivers State
Establishment of African Regional Aquaculture Centre
1987Also available in:
No results found.A study conducted on the soils of the brackishwater experimental fish farm Buguma, showed that the area contains potential acid-sulfate materials within 12cm of pond bottom in the soil profile. The sulfate sulfur (SO4-S) content of the sulfidic horizon is 2,700ppm. High values of exchangeable acidity and Al were also recorded for this horizon. Values were 16.96 and 7.89 meq/100g of soil respectively. The soils are saline, characterised by high soluble salt content and high values of K, Ca and Mg ions. pH values in the wet state ranged between 7.7 and 6.9, but on air drying, values went down to as low as 3.1. Total nitrogen and available phosphorus were relatively low, values ranged from 0.07 – 0.35% and 1.40 – 7.08 ppm respectively. Lime requirement was calculated for the soils; results indicate the need for approx. 4.1 tonnes of agricultural lime per hectare for neutralization
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