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畜牧业对粮食安全、可持续农业粮食体系、 营养和健康膳食的贡献

农 业 委 员 会 畜牧业分委员会

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    Piloting the Demonstration of the National Livestock Development Transformation Plan in Selected States - TCP/NIR/3701 2022
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    The livestock industry in Nigeria suffers from slow growth due to a low productivity of the herds of the country This is caused by insufficient and poor quality feeds, repeated droughts, upsurges of diseases (such as bovine pleuropneumonia, peste des petits ruminants, foot and mouth disease, avian influenza and African swine fever), low livestock genetic resources, the lack of technical knowledge among producers and extension agents, the absence of appropriate infrastructures, a deficit in institutional capacities, inconsistent policies and the lack of investment in the industry In addition, Nigeria faces a sharp diminution of its available arable and grazing lands due to urbanization and climate change, resulting in reduced traditional grazing lands for transhumance and thus causing land conflicts The nomadic pastoralists, who possess the largest proportion of ruminant animal population, cannot meet the fast increasing animal protein needs of the population of the country Consequently, Nigeria depends largely on importation of animal products to meet its domestic demand, currently growing at a yearly average of around 3 percent To address this issue, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ( requested FAO to provide technical assistance for the implementation of its national livestock plan in selected states and carry out interventions that contribute to improving the provision of goods and services to the livestock sector and to eradicating rural poverty.
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    Measuring Climate Co-Benefits of Livestock Development in Cameroon - UTF/CMR/046/CMR 2022
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    As Cameroon seeks to develop its livestock sector while simultaneously making it more climate smart, more capacity is needed to understand how livestock can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Funded by the World Bank, PRODEL is a large scale development project that aims to improve the productivity and competitiveness of targeted livestock production systems in Cameroon. It also represents an opportunity to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects. To help quantify the climate benefits of investing in climate smart livestock development, this project aimed to provide technical assistance and capacity building to support PRODEL to measure its co benefits and strengthen its contribution to climate smart livestock.
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    Development of Halal Agricultural Production Systems in Mindanao, Philippines - TCP/PHI/3702 2022
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    The economy of Mindanao is dominated by the agriculture sector. With one-third of its land area devoted to agriculture, the island has been tagged as the country’s food basket. The majority of the country’s total production of high-value commodities, such as rubber, pineapple, banana and coffee, comes from Mindanao. It also supplies over 40 percent of the country’s food requirements and contributes more than 30 percent to the national food trade. The Department of Agriculture (DA) continues to stimulate productivity and gain wider market niches by harnessing emerging global opportunities for local producers. One such opportunity is the growing global market for Halal foods, known to be worth USD 2.95 billion for meat alone, which other non-Muslim countries such as Thailand, Australia, Brazil and Belgium have already successfully entered. In the 2004-2010 Medium Term Philippine Development Plan, Mindanao was cited as the part of the country most suited to the development of the Halal industry. The plan identified the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), the only region with Muslim identity, as the focal area for Halal development. The Philippine Development Plan (2017-2022) aims to expand the economic opportunities of those currently engaged in producing agriculture, forestry and fisheries products and, at the same time, increase access to economic opportunities for small farmers and fishers in order to achieve inclusive growth. The government will also continue to promote climate change adaptation measures, organic agriculture, urban agriculture and Halal food production.

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