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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetUsing rice genetic diversity to support farmers’ adaptation to climate change for sustainable production and improved livelihoods in India 2011
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No results found.For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . THE INDO-GANGETIC PLAINS OF INDIA are expected to be severely affected by drastic weather conditions, such as drought and heat as confirmed by the study that Gene Campaign has conducted in the frame of this project. In order to successfully meet food requirements in an era of climate change, conservation and sustainable utilization of genetic diversity of crop plants have become crucial. This BSF project focuses on addressing these needs within the Indo-Gangetic plains of India -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Forest Genetic Resources No. 24 1996The Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, organized in Leipzig, Germany 17-23 June 1996 (see this number of the Forest Genetic Resources bulletin [FGR]), adopted a Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.This plan excluded consideration of forest genetic resources, ".. on the understanding that this matter could be considered in future, in the light of the work of the Inter-Governme ntal Panel on Forests (IPF) established by the Commission on Sustainable Development on this issue".
ProjectTraditional Gudeuljang Irrigated rice terraces in Cheongsando: Dynamic Conservation Plan. Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
2013Also available in:
No results found.This executive plan is describing a specific implementation for conservation and administrating of Cheongsando Island Gudeuljangnon.
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