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South-South Cooperation, revised edition

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    South-South Cooperation (SSC), refers to a mechanism for mutual the sharing and exchange of key development solutions—knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology know-how, and resources—between and among countries in the global south. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched the SSC initiative in 1996, primarily supporting the implementation of the Special Programme for Food Security in several developing countries.
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    South-South and Triangular Cooperation. Revised edition 2015. 2014
    There is a growing consensus around the world, affirming South-South and Triangular Cooperation as effective instruments for catalyzing agricultural development. South-South Cooperation (SSC) is widely accepted as a complementary model of development cooperation to the traditional North- South model, in overcoming common challenges and achieving food security, poverty reduction and the sustainable management of natural resources. South-South Cooperation is the mutual sharing and exchange of key development solutions – knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology, and resources – between and among countries in the global south. Triangular Cooperation (TrC) refers to partnerships between two or more developing countries in collaboration with a third partner, typically a developed country/traditional donor, emerging economy and/or multilateral organization to share key development solutions – knowledge, capacity, expertise, experiences and good practices, policies, tech nology and resources.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Programme Guidelines for Projects under the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme 2018
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    South-South Cooperation (SSC) is the mutual sharing and transfer of key development solutions, including knowledge, experiences and good practices, policies, technology, know-how, and resources, between and among countries in the global South. It is widely accepted as a complementary development cooperation instrument to the traditional North-South cooperation. SSC is considered a key instrument for promoting agricultural development and food security. The People’s Republic of China has been involved in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) SSC programme since its inception in 1996. As the first country to establish an SSC strategic alliance with FAO in 2006, China decided in 2008 to donate USD 30 million to FAO by setting up a SSC trust fund specifically in support of the FAO-China SSC Programme. Since then, China has already donated USD 80 million to support FAO’s SSC. In China, the Government designated institutions, allocated special funds, selected and dispatched qualified experts and technicians, to ensure the smooth implementation and success of the SSC programme. By the end of 2017, China has fielded more than 1 000 long-term experts and technicians in 28 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. In addition, over 1 000 High-Level (HL) Officials and experts from more than 100 countries participated in the capacity development activities including workshops, trainings and study tours, which have made great contributions to agricultural development and food security in the host countries and reflected China’s image as a responsible developing country to promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind. The SSC modality of deploying long-term experts and technicians, has become one of the most popular cooperation modalities, and has been recognized by countries in the global South as an important delivery mechanism for the agriculture development in host countries and highly praised by the international society. Based on the experience and lessons learned in the past years and in order to better guide and smoothly improve the implementation of the Programme, FAO and China jointly developed these Programme Guidelines for the procedures at each stage of the Project Cycle, intending to further clarify the responsibilities of all parties engaged. These guidelines are fully aligned with the FAO Project Cycle Guide. Further, it aims to ensure that the mutual commitments in the Tripartite Agreement (TPA) and the Multilateral Agreement (MLA) are adhered to and to enhance the capacity of relevant actors for successful programme implementation.

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