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南南合作与三方合作 - 修订版

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    Improving Rural Livelihoods and the Environment Through the Integral Utilization of Residues of Treated Waste Water and Organic Solid Waste for the Production of Renewable Energy and Compost in Mafraq Governorate of Jordan - TCP/JOR/3602 2020
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    As the Syrian crisis continues to escalate, the influx of refugees in neighbouring countries places an growing burden on affected areas. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determined that Jordan hosts around 620 000 registered refugees, while the Government has estimated that there is a total of 1.4 million refugees in the country. In Mafraq, the refugee population lives in distress, while the broader population is also affected by the refugee influx. In December 2019, there were 75 993 individuals and 17 655 families registered at the Zaatari refugee camp. Stakeholders in the Zaatari community continue to pursue the creation of job opportunities for residents, with a record 13 220 active work permits being reached in October 2019. Although job opportunities are traditionally dominated by the agriculture sector, the waste sector offers potential for the development of additional “green” jobs. In Jordan, the level of municipal solid waste has grown rapidly over the past two decades, while the influx of refugees has exponentially increased its rate of production. Much of the solid waste produced finds its way to landfills, most of which are classified as unsanitary dump sites. On top of the strain being placed on the waste management system, the influx of refugees has also driven an increased demand for energy. This TCP project was therefore designed to make use of waste in the Zaatari municipality in the creation of sustainable job opportunities that promote compost production for agricultural purposes and the generation of energy.
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    Support for Development of Organic Farming Systems & Agro-Ecotourism for Small Farmers Communities in the Southern Mekong River Provinces - TCP/VIE/3703 2023
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    There is a global concern over environmental and ecological degradation and the associated health and environmental hazards arising out of agricultural production systems that are heavily dependent on chemicals Organic agriculture ( is a holistic production management system that promotes and enhances agroecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and biological soil activity by using agronomic, biological, and mechanical methods, as opposed to synthetic materials, to fulfil any specific function within the system.
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