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إرشادات ومعايير عن الجوانب الفنية والبيئية لاختيار موقع الاستزراع المائي في الأقفاص العائمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية

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    Book (stand-alone)
    إرشادات ومعايير عن الجوانب الفنية والبيئية لاختيار موقع الاستزراع المائي في الأقفاص العائمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2017
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    ُ والتــي جــاءت مواكبــة ألهــداف الخطــط التنمويــة االســتراتيجية ومــن ضمنهــا قطــاع الثــروة الســمكية لمــا لــه مــن إسـهامات رئيسـية فـي تحقيـق األمـن الغذائـي مـن خـا ُ ل توفيـر البروتيـن السـمكي وتحسـين مسـتوى الصحـة العامـة، ُــرص العمــل وتعزيــز الشــراكة بيــن مؤسســات القطــاع العــام ُ إلــى جانــب التنميــة االقتصاديــة المســتدامة وتوفيــر ف ً لرفـع الكفـاءة االنتاجيـة واالسـتغالل األمثـل للمـوارد ُ والخـاص والمجتمـع المدنـي واعتمـاد التطويـر التقنـي منهجـا ُ الطبيعيـة الالزم ـة لالسـتزراع المائـي لتطويـر المجتمعـات الريفيـة.
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    دليل استرشادي لدراسة الجدوى لمشاريع الاستزراع المائي الصغيرة والمتوسطة بنظام الأقفاص العائمة 2017
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    The topics in the Feasibility study model are designed for the start-up of small to medium fish farm projects. This tool will be used in the cage aquaculture licensing process in Saudi Arabia. The difference between this model and the one used for larger business models and private capital is in the depth of research and topics necessary for a large project and not applicable to a smaller one. The book is in double language and it is provided with softcopies of excel spreadsheets where forms an d business model are included. The software allows to draft the business plan returning information on breakeven point, cash flow and loan scheme.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 25–26 January 2009 2009
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    The Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development, held from 25 to 26 January 2009 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, was organized in view of the growing importance and interest of this aquaculture sub-sector across the region. The workshop focus was on environmental impact assessment and monitoring, and aquaculture licensing for marine aquaculture cage systems and aimed at identifying constraints and shortcomings that requi red to be dealt with to support the development of the cage industry and facilitate investments from the private sector. The document contains a set of suggestions and recommendations with regards to technical and policy requirements needed to support the growth of the aquaculture sector as a whole and more specifically cage fish farming. The report also contains three review documents on marine cage aquaculture in the region, regulation of Norwegian net-cage fish farming, and a review on cage a quaculture licensing procedures prepared as background discussion papers for the workshop. With specific regard to environmental impact assessment (EIA) the discussions held at the workshop clearly indicate that there is a need for the region and individual Commission members to develop an ad hoc EIA format based on the conditions of the local marine environment. A proposed cage aquaculture licence procedure was discussed and proposed at the workshop based on the format developed and adopted by the Sultanate of Oman.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    إرشادات ومعايير عن الجوانب الفنية والبيئية لاختيار موقع الاستزراع المائي في الأقفاص العائمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2017
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    ُ والتــي جــاءت مواكبــة ألهــداف الخطــط التنمويــة االســتراتيجية ومــن ضمنهــا قطــاع الثــروة الســمكية لمــا لــه مــن إسـهامات رئيسـية فـي تحقيـق األمـن الغذائـي مـن خـا ُ ل توفيـر البروتيـن السـمكي وتحسـين مسـتوى الصحـة العامـة، ُــرص العمــل وتعزيــز الشــراكة بيــن مؤسســات القطــاع العــام ُ إلــى جانــب التنميــة االقتصاديــة المســتدامة وتوفيــر ف ً لرفـع الكفـاءة االنتاجيـة واالسـتغالل األمثـل للمـوارد ُ والخـاص والمجتمـع المدنـي واعتمـاد التطويـر التقنـي منهجـا ُ الطبيعيـة الالزم ـة لالسـتزراع المائـي لتطويـر المجتمعـات الريفيـة.
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    دليل استرشادي لدراسة الجدوى لمشاريع الاستزراع المائي الصغيرة والمتوسطة بنظام الأقفاص العائمة 2017
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    The topics in the Feasibility study model are designed for the start-up of small to medium fish farm projects. This tool will be used in the cage aquaculture licensing process in Saudi Arabia. The difference between this model and the one used for larger business models and private capital is in the depth of research and topics necessary for a large project and not applicable to a smaller one. The book is in double language and it is provided with softcopies of excel spreadsheets where forms an d business model are included. The software allows to draft the business plan returning information on breakeven point, cash flow and loan scheme.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 25–26 January 2009 2009
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    The Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) Regional Technical Workshop on Sustainable Marine Cage Aquaculture Development, held from 25 to 26 January 2009 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, was organized in view of the growing importance and interest of this aquaculture sub-sector across the region. The workshop focus was on environmental impact assessment and monitoring, and aquaculture licensing for marine aquaculture cage systems and aimed at identifying constraints and shortcomings that requi red to be dealt with to support the development of the cage industry and facilitate investments from the private sector. The document contains a set of suggestions and recommendations with regards to technical and policy requirements needed to support the growth of the aquaculture sector as a whole and more specifically cage fish farming. The report also contains three review documents on marine cage aquaculture in the region, regulation of Norwegian net-cage fish farming, and a review on cage a quaculture licensing procedures prepared as background discussion papers for the workshop. With specific regard to environmental impact assessment (EIA) the discussions held at the workshop clearly indicate that there is a need for the region and individual Commission members to develop an ad hoc EIA format based on the conditions of the local marine environment. A proposed cage aquaculture licence procedure was discussed and proposed at the workshop based on the format developed and adopted by the Sultanate of Oman.

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