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Genetic Resources for Food Security and Nutrition

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Plant Genetic Resources and Food Security
    Stakeholder Perspectives on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
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    For more information, visit the ITPGRFA website . The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is a pivotal piece of recent legislation, providing a route map for the use of such resources for sustainable agriculture and food security. This book explains the different interests and views at stake between all players in the global food chain. It touches upon many issues such as international food governance and policy, economic aspects of food and seed trade, conservation and sustainable use of food and agricultural biodiversity, hunger alleviation, ecological concerns, consumer protection, fairness and equity across nations and between generations, plantbreeding techniques and socio-economic benefits related to food local economies. The book shows that despite the conflicting interests at stake, players managed to come to an agreement on food and agriculture for the sake of food security and hunger al leviation in the world.
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