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A key role for veterinary authorities and animal health practitioners in preventing and controlling neglected parasitic zoonoses

A handbook with focus on Taenia solium, Trichinella, Echinococcus and Fasciola

FAO, OIE & WHO. 2021. A key role for veterinary authorities and animal health practitioners in preventing and controlling neglected parasitic zoonoses. A handbook with focus on Taenia solium, Trichinella, Echinococcus and Fasciola. FAO, Rome, OIE, Paris & WHO, Geneva.


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    Summary of the tripartite meeting to accelerate prevention and control of neglected foodborne parasitic zoonoses in selected Asian countries
    16 – 18 October 2018, Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic
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    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)1, together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), jointly organized the regional meeting to accelerate prevention and control of neglected foodborne parasitic zoonoses in selected Asian countries. This was to build on the previous effort made at the WHO Expert Consultation to Accelerate Control of Foodborne Trematode Infections, Taeniasis and Cysicercosis held in 17-19 May 2017, which recommended adapting a comprehensive One Health approach as a core strategy and the Tripartite to jointly support countries to build capacity to effectively control these diseases. In order to catalyse intersectoral partnership for coordinated multisectoral actions to accelerate the prevention and control of neglected foodborne parasitic zoonoses in Asia in line with the ongoing efforts for overall strengthening of national food safety systems, regional physical meeting has been organized. For FAO, the core roles fall in the area of food safety, therefore the concepts and practical examples of food safety risk communication were the focuses during this meeting. All participants performed a risk communication exercise within the respective country contexts.
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    Meeting to Accelerate Prevention and Control of Neglected Foodborne Parasitic Zoonoses in Selected Asian Countries 2020
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    Prevention and Control of Avian Flu in Small-scale Poultry: A guide for veterinary paraprofessionnals in Cambodia 2005
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