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Book (stand-alone)FAO/IPCC Expert meeting on land use, climate change and food security 2017
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No results found.One hundred scientists, economists and policy experts participated in a three-day expert meeting (EM) to engage in a high-level, globally oriented, and multidisciplinary scoping of topics that climate change to land use and food security. The EM was structured around five themes: climate impacts and human-directed drivers of land change and linkages to food security; mitigation and adaptation options; and policies for resource management, smallholder resilience, mitigation and food and nutrition security. The present report offers a comprehensive synthesis of the EM findings and conclusions reflecting the collective view participants and external reviewers. The report is a valuable source for the IPCC above-mentioned Special Report, especially in relation to food security, as well to researchers and policy makers concerned with the policy implication of food security in relation to post-Paris climate action and Agenda 2030. -
ProjectMeasuring Climate Co-Benefits of Livestock Development in Cameroon - UTF/CMR/046/CMR 2022
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No results found.As Cameroon seeks to develop its livestock sector while simultaneously making it more climate smart, more capacity is needed to understand how livestock can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Funded by the World Bank, PRODEL is a large scale development project that aims to improve the productivity and competitiveness of targeted livestock production systems in Cameroon. It also represents an opportunity to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects. To help quantify the climate benefits of investing in climate smart livestock development, this project aimed to provide technical assistance and capacity building to support PRODEL to measure its co benefits and strengthen its contribution to climate smart livestock. -
Book (stand-alone)The role of livestock in food security, poverty reduction and wealth creation in West Africa 2020
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No results found.With the objective of gaining a better insight into the challenges and opportunities of the livestock sub-sector in West Africa, FAO has conducted several studies and held various workshops in recent years. The outcomes of these studies and workshops conducted between 2009 and 2014 were published and distributed as hard copy reports and disseminated as on-line publications. These reports included topics such as value chains, cross-border transhumance, animal feed resources, priority animal diseases, among others, were informative in their own right. Still, the fact that they targeted specific areas of livestock in a fragmented manner did not address the need of readers whose wish was to have a comprehensive understanding of the livestock sector in West Africa. It is in response to this demand for a comprehensive outlook of the West African Livestock sub-sector that different reports and studies have been compiled into this one book. The book has twelve chapters, covering almost all aspects of livestock in the region. Attempts were made to enrich the information provided by including eight short case studies focusing on different aspects of the livestock sub-sector in West Africa. The book attempts to fill the gap of a need for comprehensive information on the potential, performance, challenges, and prospects of the livestock sub-sector in West Africa.
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