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Carbon sequestration through climate investment in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic

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    Carbon sequestration through climate investments in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR) 2023
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    FAO/GCF "Carbon Sequestration through climate investment in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR)" project was approved at the 24th meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board on 14 November 2019 in Songdo, South Korea. The project agreement between FAO, in its capacity as Accredited Entity of the Green Climate Fund, and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic was countersigned on 4 March 2022 in Bishkek and ratified by the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) Resolution № 233-VII dated 27 April 2022 and was declared effective by the GCF Secretariat on 25 October 2022. The Kyrgyz Republic’s updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15.97 percent by 2030. The goal of the CS-FOR project is to contribute to the development of a low carbon-emission and climate resilient economy, while capitalizing important co-benefits from adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The project will lead to the sequestration of 19.8 million tCO2eq in 20 years. These reductions represent 7.6 percent of the country’s total emissions, and 22.6 percent of the agricultural share of emissions. The objective of the project is to increase carbon sequestration through supporting climate investments in forests and rangelands and through reducing drivers of degradation and emissions via institutional support, participatory ecosystem-based sustainable management of natural resources and green growth investments.
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    Book (series)
    Resilience analysis in the target areas of "Carbon Sequestration through Climate Investment in Forests and Rangelands (CS-FOR)" project in the Kyrgyz Republic
    FAO Resilience Analysis Report No. 18
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    The Kyrgyz Republic is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in Central Asia. Situated on the north-east, and located– between the Tien Shan and the Pamir mountain systems), it is considered one of the least accessible countries in the world. Its isolation poses is a vast obstacle to trade and transportation, further amplified by inadequate infrastructure. Rainfall has been highly inconsistent and large parts of the country experienced a decrease in the precipitation in the last two decades, together with an increase in the temperature (more intense droughts with consequences on crop production and availability of water for livestock). Forests and pastures are particularly sensitive to climate change, and the reduced productivity of pastures, the declining resilience of forest ecosystems and the increased exposure to natural disasters, are increasing the overall vulnerability of communities and negatively affecting rural livelihoods. In view of the rising awareness of the impact of climatic change, building resilience to climate change has naturally become one of the major goals for institutional bodies (both national and international). The report presents the linkage between resilience and climatic change impact in order to test the reactivity of households and thereby verify the importance of different coping strategies available in the household context in their ability to impact the level of Resilience Capacity Index (RCI) and their climate sensitivity.
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    Carbon Sequestration through climate investment in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR)
    Секвестрация углерода посредством климатических инвестиций в леса и пастбища в Кыргызской Республике (CS-FOR)
    Кыргыз Республикасындагы токойлорго жана жайыттарга климаттык инвестициялар аркылуу көмүртектин секвестрациясы (CS-FOR)
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    This rollup was made for the workshop dedicated to the launch of the FAO project “Carbon sequestration through climate investments in forests and rangelands in the Kyrgyz Republic (CS-FOR)” funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which took place on 11 April 2023 in Bishkek. The purpose of the workshop was to provide information on the main activities and expected results of the project, as well as to ensure the interest and participation of partners. The project will be implemented in the following target pilot districts in Kyrgyzstan: Ak-Talaa, Toguz-Toro, Suzak and Uzgen and will contribute to the transformation of pasture and forest resource management at the national and local levels and sustainable management of natural resources by strengthening an integrated approach.

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