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Summary report on cruise of the R/V Shoyo Maru in the north Arabian Sea, 2 October 1976 - 13 January 1977

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    Summary report on cruise of the R/V Shoyo Maru in the North Arabian Sea, 2 October 1975 - 14 January 1976 1976
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    As reported in the Fourth Session of the IOFC Executive Committee held in Rome in October 1974, the efforts of IOP in bringing the R/V Shoyo Maru to participate in the North Arabian Sea survey succeeded when the vessel undertook cruises along the waters of Pakistan in November/December 1975. The present paper gives a brief description of the survey and its results, summarized from the original report in Japanese which has been published by the Fishery Agency of Japan in July 1976. The activities covered oceanographic observation, conventional biological survey (sighting of pelagic shoals and collection of fishes) and acoustic survey. A rendez-vous with the R/V Dr. F. Nansen, the main vessel for the North Arabian Sea survey, for calibration of acoustic instruments was a special feature of the survey. The up-welling supposedly to be remnant of the southwest monsoon phenomenon was located at 23°N, 63°E as late as November during the year of survey. Another up-welling noticed in the vicini ty of 24°N, 66°E was interpreted as one inherent to the continental slope. The pelagic shoals appeared rather scarce in the offshore waters covered by the vessel and the demersal fishes were located mainly in the continental slope. The demersal catch included longspine seabream, giant catfish, Jarboua therapon, threadfin breams, brushtooth lizardfish and sweetlips. Indications of substantial stock of squids were noticed in the offshore waters around the up-welling area. The squids appear to sink to deeper layers of 100-350 mt during daytime and move to the upper layer at night and are easily hooked by jigs.
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    Seasonal distribution, movements and taxonomic status of bluewhales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the northern Indian Ocean 2013
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    There is a distinct population of blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus, in the northern Indian Ocean. The taxonomic status of these animals has long been uncertain, with debate over whether this population represents a distinct subspecies, and if so which me should apply. They have most frequently been assigned to B. musculus brevicauda, but are currently considered to be B. m. indica. The movements of these blue whales within the northern Indian Ocean are poorly understood. This paper reviews cat ches (n = 1,288), sightings (n = 448, with a minimum of 783 animals), strandings (n = 64) and acoustic detections (n = 6 locations); uses ocean colour data to estimate seasolity of primary productivity in different areas of the northern Indian Ocean; and develops a migration hypothesis. It is suggested that most of these whales feed in the Arabian Sea off the coasts of Somalia and the Arabian peninsula during the period of intense upwelling associated with the southwest monsoon (from about May t o October). At the same time some blue whales also feed in the area of upwelling off the southwest coast of India and west coast of Sri Lanka. When the southwest monsoon dies down in about October–November these upwellings cease. The blue whales then disperse more widely to eke out the leaner months of the northeast monsoon (during about December to March) in other localised areas with seasolly high productivity. These include the east coast of Sri Lanka, the waters west of the Maldives, the vic inity of the Indus Canyon (at least historically), and some parts of the southern Indian Ocean. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that at least some of the blue whales that feed off the east coast of Sri Lanka in the northeast monsoon also feed in the Arabian Sea during the southwest monsoon. These whales appear to migrate eastwards past the north of Maldives and south of Sri Lanka in about December–January, returning westwards in about April–May.
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    Oceanographic investigations along the southwest coast of India (1976-78). A report prepared for Pelagic Fishery Investigations on the Southwest Coast. Phase II - Project project. Field document no. 5
    Pelagic Fishery Investigation on the South-West Coast, India, IND/75/038
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    The description of the oceanographic conditions of the shelf waters off the southwest coast of India between Ratnagiri in the north and Tuticorin in the south for the period 1976-78 1s based on observations carried out along oceanographic sections located off Ratnagiri, Karwar, Kasaragod, Cochin, Quilon, Cape Comorin and Tuticorin. In accordance with the objectives of Phase II of the Project, more emphasis was given to improving our knowledge of the behavioural characteristics of the oil sardine and mackerel and also to evolving methodologies for fishery forecasting appropriate to Indian conditions. Hydrography/plankton/fishing surveys were conducted during the southwest monsoon to assess the intensity of upwelling and to establish possible correlations between the behaviour of commercially important pelagic fishes and the variations of environmental factors observed in space and time. Data related to the process of upwelling were collected mainly to evaluate the extent and intensity o f upwelling and also to verify the variations of certain physical parameters noted during the Phase I.

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