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ISPM 37. Determination of host status of fruit to fruit flies (Tephritidae)

Adopted 2016

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    NIMP 37. Détermination du statut d'hôte des fruits à l'égard des mouches des fruits (Tephritidae)
    Adopté en 2016
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    La présente norme donne des directives pour la détermination du statut d’hôte des fruits à l’égard des mouches des fruits (Tephritidae) et décrit trois catégories de statut d’hôte des fruits à l’égard des mouches des fruits. Dans la présente norme, le terme «fruit» est employé dans le sens botanique, c’est-à-dire qu’il désigne aussi des fruits qui sont parfois appelés «légumes» (par exemple, la tomate et le melon). La présente norme décrit notamment les méthodes de surveillance dans des conditions naturelles et les essais de terrain dans des conditions semi-naturelles qui devraient être utilisés pour déterminer le statut d’hôte de fruits non abîmés à l’égard des mouches des fruits, dans les cas où le statut d’hôte n’est pas établi avec certitude. La norme ne porte pas sur les exigences visant à assurer la protection des végétaux contre l’introduction et la dissémination des mouches des fruits.
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    ISPM 35. Systems approach for pest risk management of fruit flies (Tephritidae)
    Adopted 2012
    This standard provides guidance for the development, implementation and verification of integrated measures in a systems approach as an option for pest risk management of fruit flies (Tephritidae) of economic importance to facilitate trade of fruit fly host products or to minimize the spread of regulated fruit flies within an area. Annex 3, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of ISPM 26 also apply to this standard.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Guidelines for the confirmation of non-host status of fruit and vegetables to tephritid fruit flies 2005
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    A standard method for the confirmation of non-host status of fruit and vegetables to tephritid fruit flies has important ramifications for international trade in many fresh fruit and vegetable commodities. Non-host or conditional non-host status at a particular stage of harvest maturity can be used as a phytosanitary measure to ensure freedom from fruit fly infestation. However, published records of hosts for particular fruit fly species may not always be reliable for determining non-host stat us for phytosanitary purposes. They may be misleading, incomplete or incorrect for negotiating market access protocols. This standard uses well-known techniques to provide a regular methodology for solving the problem of inaccurate host status records or the absence of host status information. This standard was endorsed by the by the twenty-fourth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) held in Bangkok, Thailand in September 2005. Regional standards for phytosa nitary measures are developed and adopted by APPPC as part of the plant protection programme of the Commission's contracting parties to support regional harmonization and facilitate trade of commodities by member countries.

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