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Fishing Trails With Beachlanding Craft At Uppada, Andhra Pradesh, India - BOBP/WP/56

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    Identifying Extension Activities for Fisherwomen in Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, India - BOBP/WP/57 1987
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    This paper discusses the findings of a 1984 - 85 socio-economic study of fisherwomen in four coastal villages in Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh. Its object was to identify pilot projects to upgrade the living conditions of fisherwomen in coastal villages. The study was conducted at the request of the Directorate of Fisheries, Andhra Pradesh. At the district level, the Collector extended his cooperation, and through him the services of block level officers, district development office rs and the Women and Child Welfare Department were obtained. Even at an early stage, the leading bank in Visakhapatnam shcwed a keen interest in the outcome of the study. The study was conducted jointly by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) and the Institute for Coastal and Offshore Research (INCOR), Visakhapatnam. The author owes thanks to Dr. R. V. Rama Rao, Director of INCOR; and to INCOR staffers Ms. Vaishnavi Chandrasekharan and Mr. Chanchala Gupta for their cooperation in planning and executing this study; and, of course, to the five investigators for their diligence and perseverence in data collection.
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    Experimental Shrimp Farming In Ponds In Polekurru, Andhra Pradesh, India - BOBP/WP/46 1986
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    This paper describes the establishment of a small farm complex of six ponds of different design for experimental brackishwater culture of shrimps and fish. It is located in Polekurru, near Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India. An account is given of two years of culture trials of penaeid shrimps. The purpose was to identify suitable pond configurations and appropriate water management practices. In response to a request for assistance in coastal aquaculture from Andhra Pradesh, BOBP arranged for a three-member Indonesian mission to help identify suitable activities. Based on their recommendations, a pilot project, including the design of the pond complex, was prepared by Mr. Narasimha Rao, Technical Coordinator of the Directorate of Fisheries in Hyderabad and Dr. M. Karim, Aquaculturist of the BOBP. The latter also supervised the implementation of the project, and the authors wish to acknowledge his inspiring work. At the end of the culture trials (September 1985) described in thi s paper, an assessment of the socio-economic feasibility of pond culture in the Polekurru area was undertaken. The findings of this assessment will be reported separately. The Polekurru project, and this paper which describes it, are activities of the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). The project is funded by SIDA (Swedish International Development Authority) and executed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), and covers five cou ntries bordering the Bay of Bengal — Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The main goal of the project is to develop, demonstrate and promote appropriate technologies and methodologies to improve the conditions of small-scale fisherfolk in member countries.
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    Inventory of Kattumarams and Their Fishing Gear in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu - BOBP/WP/2 1980
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    During the second half of 1979 and the first quarter of 1980 a survey was carried out in some fishing villages of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, to obtain information on the types of kattumarams used on the East Coast of India, the kinds of fishing gear used with the kattumaram, the methods of operation, catches and costs. This working paper presents the results of the survey. The text and the photographs give a brief summary of kattumaram types and their economic importance. A comprehensiv e pictorial record of the kattumaram types is also available. For those requiring more detailed data on materiats, construction, fishing gear, operations and costs, a comprehensive record of the information obtained during the survey is to be found in the appendices. The survey was carried out by Mr. T. R. Menon, Chief Instructor (Craft and Gear), Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET), Cochin. He was deputed to the Bay of Bengal Programme during July-S eptember 1979 and in March 1980. The Bay of Bengal Programme and FAO express their gratitude to the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture, and to the Director of CIFNET for making Mr. Menons services available to carry out the work.

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