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Poster, bannerMyanmar food-based dietary guidelines for pregnant and lactating women 2022
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The Myanmar FBDGs food graphics for pregnant and lactating women is a communication material – It comes with a balanced-diet food plate of six food groups, and five key messages for healthy eating and active living. -
Poster, bannerMyanmar food-based dietary guidelines poster for pregnant and lactating women 2022
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The Myanmar FBDG Poster for pregnant and lactating women is another visual communication aid that comes with a balanced-diet food plate of six food groups and five key recommendations with illustrations on healthy eating and active living. -
BookletMyanmar food-based dietary guidelines for pregnant and lactating women 2022
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The booklet is one of the main communication channels to circulate FBDG information out to the public. They are the creative part of FBDG process and includes a combination of core recommendation, sub-messages, visuals as well as written materials that are supported by evidence and written in way that is easy to understand and apply in daily settings. The booklet is a simple elaboration of four key recommendation of FBDGs and it is aimed to provide more information and knowledge to community health workers/volunteers and the public who wish to learn more about the core FBDG messages. In addition, the booklet introduces food exchanges with sample meal plan so that the audience will be able to count their habitual dietary intake to meet recommended dietary allowances and plan nutritionally adequate diets guided by the FBDG recommendations. The booklet also includes the amount of one serving of foods in the 7 food groups and this serving size was defined using common household measures available in Myanmar.
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