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Socio-economic and marketing constraints to the development of aquaculture and utilisation of small water bodies in Zimbabwe

Govereh, J.; Chigume, S.M.; Sen, S. (nd). Socio-economic and marketing constraints to the development of aquaculture and utilisation of small water bodies in Zimbabwe. (np). 149 p.

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    A G.I.S. (Geographical Information Systems) plan for the development of aquaculture and fisheries in small water bodies in Zimbabwe. Report of a consultancy undertaken from 13th July to 14th August, 1991 1991
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    Though Zimbabwe has few traditions as a “fish eating” nation, with the opening of Lake Kariba over three decades ago a fisheries industry was started. It has recently been realised that, in order to boost this industry, and to keep pace with the rising demands for fish, the many small dams in the country (over 12 500), which are used presently mostly for livestock and irrigation, could usefully be exploited. As well as food protein, jobs and alternative income sources would be created, especiall y in the rural communal areas. The Min. of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNR) has overall control of the larger water bodies and fisheries in Zimbabwe, and the Dept. of Agriculture, Technical and Extension Services (AGRITEX) oversees activities involving use of the small dams. It operates a small Fisheries Unit (FU) who have responsibility for fostering fisheries development. As a possible practical measure which could contribute to better management of this development, it has been suggested that a Geographical Information System (GIS) be installed. Apart from working out the most appropriate “level” for the installation of the GIS, the terms of reference (TOR) for this consultancy also sought to formulate proper objectives for a FU - GIS; to estimate the availability and quality of data obtainable; to establish the time necessary to collect and compile this; to work out whether there were advantages in adding nutritional data to a FU - GIS and to forecast the results which could b e obtained from a GIS. A total of 15 specific uses for a GIS were formulated and these would basically help to:- provide a spatially related management function, carry out development and/or planning functions, build up a temporal scenario of trends and developments.

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