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Book (stand-alone)The Rabbit - Husbandry, health and production 1997Rabbits reared with techniques adapted to specific environments can do much to improve the family diet of many of the neediest rural families, at the same time supplying a regular source of income. The purpose of this work is to bring together as fully and objectively as possible all the available data on rabbit husbandry, health and production. It is also intended as a contribution to the preparation and execution of rabbit development programmes, particularly in developing countries. A team of scientists from the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), a world-renowned rabbit authority, was marshalled to cover the many and varied aspects of rabbit production.
DocumentRaising rabbits 2: feeding rabbits, raising baby rabbits, further improvement
Better Farming Series, no. 37 (1988)
1988Also available in:
No results found.This illustrated booklet is furthers the information provided in the first booklet on Raising rabbits 1. It focuses on what rabbits like to eat, and how best to feed them. Breeding rabbits is explained. The process of helping rabbits to mate, the care of the baby rabbits and how to identify the sex of the baby rabbits is explained. The booklet has illustrations of the pens. It also discusses eating or selling rabbits. -
DocumentRaising rabbits 1: learning about rabbits, building the pens, choosing rabbits
Better Farming Series, no. 36 (1988)
1988Also available in:
No results found.This illustrated booklet is an introduction to farming rabbits. It explains the equipment needed to raise rabbits, which breeds of rabbits can be raised and how to select rabbits for raising, the environment and food that rabbits to be healthy and grow well and how to build rabbit pens.
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