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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetРушди зарфият барои тақвият додани амнияти озуқаворӣ ва ғизо дар кишварҳои интихобшудаи Қафқоз ва Осиёи Марказӣ 2018Целью проекта ФАО «Наращивание потенциала по укреплению продовольственной безопасности и улучшению питания в ряде стран Кавказа и Центральной Азии» является налаживание связей между социальной защитой, продовольственной безопасностью, питанием и сельским хозяйством для комплексного подхода к содействию устойчивому искоренению нищеты и отсутствия продовольственной безопасности. Этот подход тестируется посредством шести пилотных программ, результаты которых будут служить доказательной основой для воздействия комплексного подхода к развитию. Брошюра разъясняет стратегическое значение Проекта.
Book (stand-alone)IFPRI 2017 Global Food Policy Report 2017
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No results found.The 2017 Global Food Policy Report provides a comprehensive overview of major food policy developments and events. In this sixth annual report, leading researchers, policy makers, and practitioners review what happened in food policy, and why, in 2016 and look forward to 2017. This year’s report has a special focus on the challenges and opportunities created by rapid urbanization, especially in low- and middle-income countries, for food security and nutrition. Please note that the Global Food Policy Report is an IFPRI publication, with a contribution by FAO in the lead chapter, and which is re-published online with the permission of IFPRI.
Please cite this document, using the recommended citation that is given on page iv of the publication.
Users can also link to the GlobalFood Policy Report on the IFPRI site. -
Book (stand-alone)Regional Overview of Food Insecurity/Europe and Central Asia 2017
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Part I of this year’s edition of the State of Food Insecurity in Europe and Central Asia is devoted to the theme of how the nature of food insecurity has evolved in the region over the past 23 years. The familiar four pillars of food security are used to demonstrate how the character of food insecurity in the region has changed substantially, owing to the pro-poor economic growth observed over the past 23 years, particularly in the poorer countries of the region. Today, the main indicators and i ssues on household food insecurity concern malnutrition, rather than the physical or economic access or stability of access to food. The different characteristics of food insecurity in the ECA region require different policies. Part II discusses a range of policies designed to address the principal malnutrition issues by groups of countries, classified by their predominant food insecurity and malnutrition concerns.Visit the: Webpa ge
See the other 2016 Regional Overviews:
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