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Book (stand-alone)FAO Regional Strategy on Food Loss and Waste Reduction in Asia and the Pacific 2022
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No results found.Food loss and waste (FLW) is one of the key areas under SP4 and BN4 as well as the MPI on Resilient Food Systems in RAP. FAO is well positioned as a global knowledge leader on food loss and waste and many of the other regions already have a tailored regional strategy on FLW reduction. In reponse to the last two APRC's as well as in line with the ZHC, and more recently the new FAO Strategic framework, this publication provides a basis for FAO and others to understand the scope and depth of FLW issues, how these can be addressed, including some good practices from Thailand, China and Nepal. As a multidisciplinary publication, it includes strong elements on policy and statistics with FAO as leading a convenor on SDG 12.3 on FLW measurement and reduction, highlights the scope and opportunities for FLW reduction as part of climate change efforts and also in terms of improved nutrition. It builds upon the analysis and advice of the SOFA 2019 on food loss and waste and identifies key pillars for interventions as well as recommendations for the technical as well as policy/decision makers in the Asia Pacific region. It is strongly linked to the FAP Global Programme on food loss and waste being implemented by headquarters. -
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