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Strategic work of FAO for Sustainable Food and Agriculture

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Climate Action for Sustainable Development
    Supporting countries to transition to low-emission, climate-resilient agriculture
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    Unless urgent action is taken, climate change threatens to impede and reverse progress on eradicating hunger, malnutrition and poverty, intensify inter-ethnic and cross-border violence, exacerbate gender inequality and trigger further migration. Even with just 1.5°C warming, further negative consequences are likely, especially for the poor, with an estimated additional 122 million people falling into extreme poverty due to higher food prices, substantial income losses and declining health. Agriculture and food systems must be at the heart of the global response. Aligning the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda is an opportunity to speed up progress, generate mutually reinforcing benefits and maximize returns on investment, both on mitigation and adaptation. FAO aims to turn NDCs, National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Long-Term Climate Strategies (2050) into concrete action by helping countries to optimize policy and technical interventions to meet their Paris commitments and SDG targets. Investment is required in low-emission and climate-resilient agriculture now to avoid inevitably higher costs later.
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    Achieving SDG 2 without breaching the 1.5 °C threshold: A global roadmap, Part 1
    How agrifood systems transformation through accelerated climate actions will help achieving food security and nutrition, today and tomorrow, In brief
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    In 2022, 738.9 million people faced hunger, nearly 2.4 billion in 2022 lacked regular access to adequate food, and over 3.1 billion could not afford healthy diets. The pandemic added 120 million to the number of the chronically undernourished. In 2030, an estimated 590.3 million will suffer hunger. The planet faces crises, exceeding safe limits on six of nine planetary boundaries, and much of them is due to agrifood systems, which contribute 30 percent of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and impede climate goals. Despite the Paris Agreement's aims, warming rates point to a serious gap in meeting targets. Agrifood systems appear to face a dilemma: intensifying efforts to increase productivity while endangering climate goals – or curbing production to reduce emissions. This perceived trade-off has led to inaction and emboldens climate action skeptics who argue climate action harms efforts to address global hunger and malnutrition. Agrifood systems should address food security and nutrition needs and facilitate a large number of actions aligned with mitigation, adaptation and resilience objectives under the larger umbrella of climate action. The climate agenda itself could and should transform agrifood systems and mobilize climate finance to unlock their hidden potential. In the unfolding narrative of our global commitment to transform agrifood systems, FAO embarks on a presenting a Global Roadmap; Achieving SDG2 without breaching the 1.5C threshold. FAO's roadmap involves an extensive process that spans three years, starting with COP 28 in 2023. It commences with a global vision for what ails agrifood systems today and goes on to explore financing options for the actions required, before culminating in a discussion of how to attract concrete investment and policy packages by the time COP 30 takes place. It also examines how to integrate technical assistance into our strategies while supporting sustainable investment plans. Our objective is to create a repository of both bankable and non-bankable projects in various domains.The In Brief version of the roadmap contains the key messages and main points from the report, and is aimed at the media, policy makers and a more general public
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    Book (series)
    Linking Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals through Agriculture
    A methodological framework
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    This paper identifies potential “climate action-sustainable development pathways” spanning 17 major agricultural climate action categories and the 17 SDG targets. The aim of this mapping exercise is to explore the extent to which the two agendas are aligned for the prioritization of those climate actions that have the potential to co-deliver on the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda. As the window of opportunity is closing to bridge the emission gap and adapt to climate change before it is too late, the inter-linked and mutually reinforcing climate and sustainable development agendas present a natural. framework for designing policies that leverage synergies between both. While the Paris Agreement and SDGs are generally planned and implemented in silos, their intersection in the agriculture sectors highlights an opportunity for integrated implementation. The methodological framework presented in this document attempts to facilitate the identification of policy and investment entry-points in the agriculture sectors that can accelerate progress across both agendas in tandem. The analysis aims to push national policy makers and decision makers, as well as international negotiators and global agenda setters, towards an integrated approach to climate action and sustainable development, particularly in the agriculture sectors, upon which 80 percent of the world’s poor and most vulnerable depend for their livelihoods.

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