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Book (series)WECAFC - Report of the tenth session of the the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission and of the seventh session of the Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Lesser Antilles. Bridgetown, Barbados, 24-27 October 2001. / COPACO - Rapport de la dixième session de la Commission des Pêches pour l’Atlantique Centre-Ouest et de la septième session du Comité pour le Développement et l'Aménagement des Pêches dans les Petites Antilles. Bridgetown, Barbade, 24-27 octobre 2001. / COPACO - Informe de la décima sesión de la Comisión de Pesca para el Atlántico Centro-Occidental y de la séptima sesión del Comité para el Desarrollo y la Ordenación de la Pesca en las Antillas Menores. Bridgetown, Barbados, 24-27 octobre de 2001. 2001
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No results found.This document is the final version of the report of the tenth session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) and of the seventh session of the Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Lesser Antilles held in Bridgetown, Barbados, from 24 to 27 October 2001. Major topics discussed during the sessions were: the state of fishery resources and the situation and trends of fisheries in the WECAFC region, progress in the restructuring of WECAFC and its draft strategy, work programme of WECAFC 2002-03 and modalities for Co-operation and Capacity Building for responsible fishery management in the WECAFC Region. The Commission also reviewed the progress made in the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the main activities carried out during the intersessional period. The Commission expressed satisfaction with the achievements during the inter-sessional period, endorsed the formation of the Lesser Antilles ad hoc working group on moored FAD Fishing and adopted the work programme 2002-03 while noting that extra-budgetary resources would be required for its implementation. The main recommendations of the Session are included as Appendix G. -
Book (series)Report of the Workshop on Management of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fisheries in the area of the WECAFC. Merida , Mexico, 4-8 September 2000 / Informe del Taller sobre Manejo de las Pesquerías de Langosta Espinosa (Panulirus argus) del área de la COPACO. Merida, México, 4-8 de septiembre de 2000 2001
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No results found.This document presents the continuation of the work done in two previous workshops funded by DANIDA as reported in FAO Fisheries Report No. 619. While the first two workshops had concentrated on biological and bio-economic assessments, this Workshop, arranged by the FISHCODE project, funded by Norway, was dedicated to the creation of regional cooperation on research and management of the Caribbean spiny lobster. The Preparatory Phase of the Workshop produced four regional reports on th e status of the stocks, research and management, to serve as a basis for discussion during the meeting between scientists and decision makers, responsible for fisheries management. The first part of the report contains an up-to-date summary of information on the resources of the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus), their fisheries and their management. The Management Workshop, after a discussion of the biology, the fisheries situation, management aspects and the benefits of reg ional cooperation, led to a number of important recommendations and proposed actions, including the intention of signing in the future an Inter- Institutional Agreement that would have the following objectives: 1) Development of research programmes in fisheries and aquaculture; 2) Capacity building through training and exchange of experts; 3) Technology transfer in fisheries and aquaculture. In addition the Management Workshop made recommendations regarding the functioning of the WEC AFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Spiny Lobster and the formulation of a Regional Strategy for research and management. It also recommended that FAO open a site on the Internet to facilitate communication and exchange of data. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Report of the Meeting of Fisheries Managers and Ministers of the Wecafc Ad Hoc Worwking Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 26-29 March 2001) 2001
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No results found.This document contains the report of the Meeting of Fisheries Managers and Ministers of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 26-29 March 2001. The main objectives of the Meeting were: to review the results of the stock assessment and bio-economic analyses obtained by the Ad Hoc Working Group over the past five years, to consider fishery management measures and to identify appropriate strategies for the implementation of effective co-operation in fisheries research and management in the region. The principal outcome of the “Meeting of Fisheries Managers and Ministers of the WECAFC Ad Hoc Working Group on Shrimp and Groundfish Resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf was a joint statement of the ministers including the following: Reaffirmation of commitment to the implementation of the CCRF through policies and programmes; Support to the work of the WECAFC, which provides the countries with a neutral forum and mechanism for regional co-operation in fisheries management and conservation; Noting the status of the fisheries resources in the Brazil-Guianas Shelf and expressing concerns that there are indications of over-exploitation and undertaking to seriously consider the remedial options recommended by the fisheries managers. Noting the costs and benefits of the modality of operation of the Ad Hoc Working Group and agreeing that members would start sharing the responsibilities f or the future work of the group. This should be initiated by making the activities of the Ad Hoc Working Group an integral part of the regular programme of work and budget of the fisheries administrations.
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