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Support for the Development of Aquaculture Professions in Morocco - GCP/MOR/054/NOR

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    Soutien au développement des métiers de l’aquaculture au Maroc - GCP/MOR/054/NOR 2023
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    Le projet s’inscrivait dans la continuité des efforts mis en œuvre par le Royaume du Maroc dans les secteurs de la pêche et de l’aquaculture, en cohérence à la stratégie Halieutis. Il visait à répondre à une demande croissante d’assistance technique de la part des opérateurs aquacoles et à développer une main d’œuvre qualifiée pour la conduite des élevages prévus au large de l’Atlantique et de la Méditerranée. Le projet (conçu pour être exécuté en deux phases) prévoyait la mise en place au large de Sidi Ifni de deux stations de démonstration/formation par le biais d’un partenariat public-privé, respectivement en pisciculture et conchyliculture. Ces installations serviront de base pratique pour la formation de formateurs, des ouvriers spécialisés et des ouvriers qualifiés dans tous les métiers de l’aquaculture et sera conjuguée à des formations théoriques au Centre de qualification professionnelle maritime (CQPM) de Sidi Ifni.
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    Enhancing Coastal Livelihoods and Food Security in the Provinces of South Hamgyon and Kangwon in DPR Korea through Improved Marine Bivalve Aquaculture Practices - TCP/DRK/3706 2022
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    Bivalve production in the targeted areas increased overall (although the exact percentage increase had yet to be measured at the time of reporting), and 150 000 scallop seeds measuring between four and five mm were produced through the acquisition of improved technical skills The project design included three outputs Under the first output, improved bivalve culture systems were implemented in two targeted aquaculture cooperative demonstration farms, covering a coastal zone of 30 ha Output two was partially achieved Its primary focus was to introduce advanced post harvest management practices and value addition methods on the two targeted farms however, due to the COVID 19 related travel restrictions, field visits and consultations with international experts could not take place as originally planned That said, the international consultants produced three technical manuals (one on Pacific oyster farming, one on mussel farming and one on scallop hatchery seed production) that were provided to technical staff of the Ministry of Fisheries MoFi The MoFi then transmitted the procedures and protocols contained in the manuals to the Hongwon Mariculture Cooperative and Songdo Fisheries and Mariculture Cooperative The final output, which envisaged the training of 175 farmers and 25 fishery/aquaculture development planners on bivalve production, the operation and maintenance of culture units, harvest and post harvest management and value addition, was only partially achieved as well, owing to the travel restrictions The manuals are expected to serve as the basis for further training in these areas.
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    Diversifying Farming through an Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture System - MTF/GLO/101/MSS 2024
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    Integrating fish into rice farming is a diversification strategy that can lead to maximized productivity, increased incomes and improvements in food security and nutrition for rice growing communities. This practice of combining aquaculture and agriculture is widespread in parts of Asia; however, in other areas of the world, farmers lack the technical skills and inputs to implement it. This project concentrated its efforts in Nigeria, which could benefit significantly from farm diversification to combat its high prevalence of undernutrition and undernourishment. The project design included elements to address the issues inhibiting the integration of aquaculture and agriculture in the country, and to develop templates, technological packages and adaptation and mitigation measures for potential challenges to the establishment of the system. At its core, the project sought to refine the aquaculture-agriculture farm diversification methodology to suit agroecosystems and socioeconomic conditions in sub-Saharan Africa, and possibly other regions beyond Asia, with the ultimate aim of scaling up the benefits of this practice globally.

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