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DocumentForests and climate change - instruments related to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and their potential for sustainable forest management in Africa 2003
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No results found.Forests play major roles in climate change. They contribute carbon emissions when destroyed or degraded and they suffer from changing climate, drought and extreme weather. Managed sustainably, they can provide a unique environmental service by removing excess carbon from the atmosphere, storing it in biomass, soils and products. In addition, sustainably produced wood fuels offer an environmentally benign alternative to fossil fuels. During the 7th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Marrakech, Morocco, in 2001, governments agreed on the final framework for implementing the Kyoto Protocol, which obligates industrialized countries to reduce their net greenhouse gas contribution by country-specific, fixed amounts. -
MeetingGlobal political processes: United Nations Forum of Forests, Sustainable Development Goals, and the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change
Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission, 29th Session. Lima, Peru, 9 - 13 November, 2015
2015Also available in:
Book (series)Terminal evaluation of the project "Sustainable management of mountainous forest and land resources under climate change conditions
2022Also available in:
No results found.The project was designed to address the following interlinked barriers preventing sustainable land and forest management outcomes and building resilience to climate change in Kyrgyz mountain ecosystems: inadequate legal framework for sustainable forest and land management, inadequate land tenure reforms, outdated approaches to sustainable forest and land management, and limited capacity of local institutions. The project’s overall objective is to enhance the enabling environment in the forestry and agricultural sectors and sustain the flow of ecosystem services, including enhancement of carbon stocks in forests and agro-ecosystems through the sustainable management and enhanced productivity of mountainous silvo-agro-pastoral ecosystems, and to improve productivity and mountain livelihoods in the Kyrgyz Republic. Overall, the evaluation rated the project as “moderately satisfactory”, with several examples of positive new approaches introduced by the project into forestry, agriculture and pasture management. The evaluation included specific recommendations not only to FAO, but also to the national forestry service. One of the innovative recommendations is to revisit the project sites in five to ten years to check certain success factors, such as the tree survival rates.
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