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The Effect of Non-Farm Income on Investment in Bulgarian Family Farming

ESA Working Paper No. 07-07

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    The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers in Nicaragua on Consumption, Productive Investments, and Labor Allocation
    ESA Working Paper No. 07-11
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    This paper examines the effects of a conditional cash transfer program in Nicaragua on a wide range of outcomes related to productive investments. This is done using a randomized community level evaluation in which households were interviewed both before and after the program began in both randomly selected treatment and control areas. While limited information was collected on productive activities, the strength of the evaluation design permits a rigorous assessment of many possible productive investment behaviors. Overall, there is evidence of small increases in investments in economically productive activities and negative effects on labor supply for beneficiary households. This is unsurprising, given the findings from many studies that indicate that the bulk of the transfers are directed to current consumption, consistent with most programs secondary objective of increasing food expenditures. In contrast to the gains made in human capital development of children (reported elsewhere ), the potential for long term increases in consumption as a result of increased investment, while positive, may be limited.
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    Investing Back Home:Return Migration and Business Ownership in Albania
    ESA Working Paper No. 07-08
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    In view of its increasing importance, and the dearth of information on return migration and its impacts on source households, this study uses data from the 2005 Albania Living Standards Measurement Study survey and assesses the impact of past migration experience of Albanian households on non-farm business ownership through instrumental variables regression techniques. Moreover, considering the differences in earning potentials and opportunities for skill acquisition in different destination cou ntries, the impact of household past migration experience is differentiated by main migrant destinations, namely Greece, and Italy. The study also tests for the hypothesis of the existence of migration cycles, by differentiating the time spent abroad based on the year of return. The empirical results indicate that household past migration experience exerts a positive impact on the probability of owning a non-farm business. While one additional year in Greece increases the probability of househol d business ownership by roughly 7 percent, a similar experience in Italy or further destinations raises the probability by over 30 percent. Although past migration experience for the period of 1990-2000 is positively associated with the likelihood of owning a household enterprise, a similar impact does not materialize for the period of 2001-2004. The latter finding seems suggestive of the fact that more recent migrants are yet to attain a target level of required savings and skills in order to s uccessfully establish a new business upon return.
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    Farm Output, Non-Farm Income, and Commercialization in Rural Georgia 2006
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    This article examines the decision of farmers to sell part of their farm output on the market, using data from the Republic of Georgia. A two-level empirical model is used, in which endowments and resource allocation decisions determine farm output and non-farm income, and these in turn determine market participation. We found, as expected, that farm output affects market participation positively, while non-farm income affects it negatively. Landholdings have an indirect positive effect on marke t participation, through its positive effect on farm output. Education has a negative effect on market participation, mainly through its positive effect on non-farm income.

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