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MeetingCountry identified National co-ordinating institutions and National technical co-ordinators for the management of farm animal genetic resources 2000
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DocumentDomestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) - User manual 2020The Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) is the global clearing-house mechanism for animal genetic resources for food and agriculture (AnGR) that was developed and is maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The 4th and most recent version of DAD-IS was launched in November 2017.
Book (stand-alone)Secondary Guidelines for Development of National Farm Animal Genetic Resources Management Plans - Animal Recording for Medium Input Production Environment 1998
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No results found.The Guidelines focus on: The role of animal recording in development, with emphasis on the identification of beneficiaries and on the opportunities to use animal recording schemes as both a source of information to improve animal production and productivity and as a platform for rural economic development; •The planning and conduct of animal recording schemes, providing step-wise and detailed guidance on institutional and operational organisation of such schemes; and •Special issues i nvolved in managing animal recording schemes and the utilisation of information resulting therefrom in medium-input production systems.
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