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Supporting agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia with governance innovation

Governance and policy support: Policy brief

FAO. 2024. Supporting agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia with governanceinnovation – Governance and policy support: Policy brief. Second edition. Rome.

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    Modelling the impacts of policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia
    Governance and policy support: Report
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    The Government of Indonesia and FAO have recognized the need for thorough analysis and modelling of Indonesia’s agrifood systems to support agrifood systems transformation efforts in the country. This is needed to provide a better understanding of the governance context in agrifood systems, including the political economy dynamics influencing performance, as well as to identify synergies and trade-offs across different policy goals and optimal policy mixes for achieving multiple policy objectives.In this regard, FAO facilitated a project to pilot an innovative approach to modelling for food systems transformation. This modelling approach was developed and implemented by a team of researchers from IFPRI, IIASA, IISD and Christian-Albrechts- University of Kiel. It uses three different economic models to generate insights that can assist Indonesian policymakers in developing technically sound and politically feasible policy interventions for agrifood systems transformation.This report provides context for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia and describes the overall modelling approach before synthesizing the results of the individual modelling activities and distilling these into the overall findings of the modelling. It concludes with implications from these findings for policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Indonesia and suggestions for the next steps.The results of this modelling and the insights drawn from these results are expected to support efforts to translate Indonesia’s commitments on agrifood systems transformation into concrete policy interventions and to inform medium- and long-term development planning by the Indonesian Government.
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    Technical workshop report – Unlocking the potential for sustainable, inclusive and competitive agribusiness development in the Near East and North Africa 2023
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    The overall aim of the workshop was to; 1) gain insight from multiple stakeholders about the barriers and opportunities for agribusiness SMEs’ participation in agrifood systems policymaking in NENA; 2) identify priorities for capacity development for agribusiness SMEs, and surrounding institutional and legal frameworks to be more sustainable, inclusive and competitive; 3) share best practices for building effective partnerships and coordination mechanisms among stakeholders at national and regional levels. Engaging regional actors and reflecting the views from countries helped ensure that the plan and interventions emanating from the workshop are action and impact-oriented and respond to the challenges and needs of the countries of the region. The technical workshop was held in Cairo, Egypt from 31 October to 2 November 2022 and welcomed over 75 people from 16 countries, representing ministries of agriculture and industry, private sector, as well as International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and partner organizations (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Food Policy Research Institute, United Nations Industrial Development Organization).
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    National Medium-Term Priority Framework: MID Term Review 2013 2013
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    In accordance with the FAO' organization policy, Indonesia was one of piloting countries in Asia and the Pacific Region in preparing the National Medium-Term Priority Framework (NMTPF) for Indonesia's External Assistance in the Agriculture Sectors 2010-2014. Such document is in line with the Government(GOI)'s National Medium Term Development Plan (NMTDP) for 2010-2014. The NMTPF is drafted in the form of a comprehensive Agriculture Development Framework by all parties including international or ganizations and resources partners. NMTPF is also a living document that can be reviewed and/or revised as necessary during the period of 2010-2014. At the end of 2012, the government entered mid-term review stage of NMTPF document leading by National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) in close cooperation with technical ministries: Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Forestry (MoF) and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF). The objective of the activity is to do the fo rmative evaluation on the NMTPF implementation progress and reviewing its Strategic Priority Areas (SPAs) against the current government strategic plan and policy. The review result is more focusing on amended SPA in line with the current national agricultural development priorities. Upon the endorsement by the Government of Indonesia, the NMTPF review report was endorsed by the Assistant of Director General/Regional Representative of Asia and the Pacific at the end of March, on behalf of FAO. I would like to express my appreciation for the remarkable collaboration of the Directorate of Multilateral Funding in Bappenas, for all the hard work they put into making the review process a success. Appreciation is also extended to the respected staff of the MoA, MoF, MMAF and technical directorates of Bappenas to their valuable contribution during the review process. We also indebted to the consultant and our colleagues from FAO Regional Office who worked effectively to finalize the report in close consultation with the government. I wish that the NMTPF review document will benefit to the Government of Indonesia in mobilizing the resources from development partners based on prioritized SPAs as a response to the dynamic economic, social, political and global change in agricultural sector. In line with the FAO's Country Programming Guidelines – Policy and Principle, the Country/Decentralized Office in close collaboration with the Government will prepare and transform the NMTPF into the Country Programming Framework (CFP) at the end of 2014. In this regard, the current NMTPF would be an important contribution not only as background inputs in developing the Country Programming Framework (CPF) of 2015-2020 but also for the National Medium Term Development Plan (NMTDP) of the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations Partnership Development Framework (UNPDF).

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